Reflections in Nature

Noah Kindig


Welcome to 'Reflections in Nature'. My name is Noah Kindig, and I am a current English student, studying at Wright State University in Fairborn, Ohio. I've created this website to accompany a current class I am taking, ENG-4110: Campus Woods. I have a deep interest in nature and the life in our world, and I believe we can take many lessons from the flora and fauna that share this world with us.

Nature itself often gives us many opportunities to think about our own lives, and I hope this website can bring an opportunity to do just that. Rather than stick to strictly academic arguments (while there will be some of that) I hope this website, especially in my Woods Journal (link below) can provide philosophical lessons, gathered from my time spent in the woods around Ohio.

Often in my own experience in nature, I get the chance to reflect on my own life and what I want to be like. The header photo to this website is one that I took myself, around Mt. Saint Helens in Washington. It was a very reflective trip around the West Coast mountains and forests, and one that helped me to be more confident leaving home and starting college in a new place. I hope that your own reflections in nature can bring you confidence as well.

Enjoy the website,

Noah Kindig

4. Eco-Narrative