5. Recreation Materials

  1. Natural Thoughts Podcast

This is my Idea for a podcast based around the Wright State Campus Woods, called Natural Thoughts. I reached out to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and then was referred to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for an interview guest. I've never interviewed or really talked to a Government Official before, but I had an amazing conversation with Patrick Migliozzi, who works as a State Service Forester for the ODNR. The Interview should be uploaded to Spotify and other podcast sites at some point, but for now here is the Youtube Video of the ~50 minute conversation we had.

2. "How To Navigate The Campus Woods," WSU Guardian Article

This article in the Wright State Student Newspaper, the Wright State Guardian, is a quick guide on how to Navigate the Campus Woods. It took approval from the head editor and associate Editor to write, and has been one of the most successful articles on the site for the past few weeks, topping at #2 most viewed for the week on the site when it first came out.

"Explore Your Local Campus Woods" Poster

This poster was designed using online software, and is designed to be eye-catching as well as simple to attract students to see the poster when walking by. The poster has a link at the bottom to campus recreation, so students can hopefully find groups to explore the woods with.