States rights
The 10th amendment has never been respected and Washington has not learned their lesson. Nearly every bill that comes out of the Democrat and Socialist Parties these days is an attempt to get the federal government to determine more and more of your life. Getting them to understand the limits of our constitution isn't easy, but it's a lesson we'll make them learn. My position has always and will always remain the same that Dixians know what is best for Dixie and not Washington bureaucrats. In order to do this:
- Supported a constitutional amendment allowing states, who elect federal representatives, to set term limits for them
- Killed house-passed bills that overreach, like minimum wage, drinking age, education, the economy, labor, and more.
- Have always opposed the Department of Education as an unconstitutional bureaucracy that doesn't work.
- Authored and passed the Devolving institute of American Indian Affairs and Native American Intestate Succession act to allow Indians to make their own choices.
- Authored and passed the Devolution of Ratification Amendment to give states more of a say in how they ratify a constitutional amendment.
Standing up for life
My greatest achievement in life is being a father to my daughter Audrey. I will never surpass that but I will always stand strong and proudly for the sanctity of life in all cases. All of us are created in God's image and have received the sacred gift of life. As a practicing Roman Catholic I know and believe with all my heart that abortion is wrong and always results in the death of the most innocent in our society. Life has always been and will remain sacred. And so I'll always be the pro-life Senator and man even when it is difficult like with capital punishment. This task will never be completed but here's a good start:
- Voted no on supporting the death penalty
- Introduced the Capital Punishment Reform Act to clean up the process
- Introduced the Resolution in Support of Life, calling on the federal government to pass the Human Life Amendment
- Voted yes on Right to Try, allowing sick patients to do everything they can to survive
- Introduced the Restriction of Human Cloning Act
- Voted yes on the Death Penalty Abolition Act
- Introduced the Protection of Embryos Act
- Introduced the Human Life and Sanctity of Life Amendments.
- Confirmed 4 Supreme Court Justices who understand the sanctity of life
- Strongly supported and defended President Gunnz Executive Order on the Mexico City Policy
Securing your right to vote
It is 100% clear that Russia, and others, interfered in our 2016 elections. Voting is the most vital part of democracy and needs to be protected. If people lose faith in our voting system than our country is headed down a road to being a different country than the America we all know and love. All American's votes must be counted and secure. In order to do this I've:
- Introduced the SAFE Act which transitions us to more secure paper ballots until electronic machines are secure
- Introduced the Removing and Replacing Faithless Electors Act that ensures your vote for President counts
- Voted for the Protecting the Integrity of Elections Act so that voter fraud is eradicated before it ever becomes a national issue.
- Have consistently taken strong stances against authoritarian states and voted to punish them including supporting the President's sanctions against the PRC over Hong Kong and Uighur Muslims, pushed for extradition of those who did interfere in our elections, got ratified an Asian Trade deal to gain leverage over the PRC, and more.
- Passed the Cyber security Vulnerability Assessment Act to protect our electronic infrastructure.
reforming criminal justice
Having spent time with victims during my time as a lawyer in Miami, I know their stories and concerns all too well. Recently, there has been a movement away from helping the victim towards helping the criminal. As a Christian, I strongly believe in second chances and forgiveness while also understanding who the real victim is a criminal action. Some of my work here:
- Introduced the Statute of Limitations Reform Act that lets no criminal ever escape justice by virtue of time from a sexual assault charge
- The same act increased many of the limitation periods to give Dixians more time to pursue a claim
- Voted yes on the Higher Felony Act to modernize our criminal system
- Voted no on the Prisoner Educational Opportunity Act which weighed too far towards criminals and was irresponsible fiscally
- Voted yes on the Nonviolent Felon Empowerment Act as it understood that criminals need to learn responsibility
- Authored and passed the Recognizing Inflation in Criminal Penalties Act to destroy the gridlock that prevented keeping our penalties in line with the modern era.
- Authored and added the first amendment to the US Constitution since President George H. W. Bush that prevents the President from self-pardoning or pardoning for state crimes.
- Passed the Accountability for War Crimes Act and the Senate passed the Nuremberg Rule Act to stand up for what we know is right.
- Authored and passed the Increasing Penalties for Falsifying Reports Act so that those who mislead get what they deserve.
- Authored and passed the Preservation of History Act so that the crime Secretary Clinton did with her emails never happens again.
The importance of family
My parents didn't always have the best things, but they loved us and taught us how to be good people. The kind of people who would shake your hand and listen when we asked how your day is going. The family is the most important institution in our society and the greatest guarantor of happiness. Recently, Democrat and Socialist policies have attempted to replace the family with the state which is the hallmark of all authoritarian regimes. My policy will always be a stable family unit that passes on their values. For this reason, I have:
- Voted yes on banning marriage between minors
- Voted yes on the Marriage equality amendment so that marriage can return to being a religious term
- Introduce the Adoption Assistance Act to help Dixians through the process
- Introduced the Good Friday Act to grant a holiday to thousands of federal workers and encourage states to do the same, letting you be with your family an extra day
- Introduced the Social Security Adjustment Act to give you peace of mind that it will be there for your children when they retire
- Passed the Mental Health Support for Veterans Act and Veteran Home Act to ensure those who have taken up defense of our country are taken care of.
- Authored and Senate passed the Law Reform Respecting Gender Act to transition us to an equal world that views all people as simply people.
- Helped defeat the America Regulates Child Online Advertising Act which was the Socialist legislation designed to replace the family with the state.
Second amendment
I believe strongly in protecting our second amendment right to keep and bear arms. When I first came to Washington former President GuiltyAir nominated and got confirmed to the Supreme Court a radical leftist who didn't believe in the individual right to own a firearm. Previously in both Heller and MacDonald the Supreme Court has been crystal clear. Washington needs to stop trampling on what is our most sacred constitutional rights because it protects all our other rights. For this reason:
- Voted yes on Gun Ownership and Right to Carry Act
- Authored and passed the Dickie Amendment Clarification Act to avoid a more radical Democrat proposal that would promote gun control
- Co-sponsored the National Firearms Ownership Reciprocity Act to make concealed carry more widely available.
- Got Senate passed the Second Amendment Protection Act and the Second Amendment Protection Act II authored by Senator DDYT.
- Strongly supported President Gunnz in repealing former President GuiltyAir's Bump stock ban.
- Forged an alliance with the Socialist Party to defeat Democrat gun control efforts that the majority of Americans oppose and to advance pro-2nd amendment policies.
Low tax, small government
I've fought my entire career to keep taxes low and reverse the government thinking that it is their money - it's not! It's your money! Why so few inside Washington cannot understand this always amazes me when I'm in the capitol. Dixie conducts business in a fiscally responsible way that centers on getting out of the way and letting Dixians use their skills and knowledge. The government is not the driver of the economy anywhere, but especially not in Dixie. The true engine of American prosperity has always been our entrepreneurial spirit and a government that gets out of the way to let us unleash it. In my time as a public servant I've:
- Introduced a 20% pay cut for all elected offices in Dixie
- Voted to repeal the estate tax
- Introduced the Tax Relief Act to provide tax cuts only to our poorest citizens.
- Introduced the Encouraging Energy Act, a vital industry for Dixie.
- Introduced An Act to Establish Start a Business Week in Dixie, giving first time business people a leg up
- Introduced the Tax Reform Act to make the Trump Tax Cuts permanent instead of expiring after 10 years.
- Introduced the Export-Import Bank Deauthorization Act to get the government O-U-T!
- Authored and Senate passed the Investment Expansion Act to free up capital and unleash new business start ups.
- Senate passed Ending Crop Insurance to stop crony capitalism and corporate welfare.
- Authored and passed Tackling Misuse Of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Act to protect poor Americans and give them a 2nd chance.
- Passed the Shipping Reform Act to lower the cost of everyday goods and services for Americans.
- Secured new trade deals with Asian countries and Cuba to expand free trade and further lower costs.
Accountability and Reform
There are few honors greater than being chosen by fellow citizens to represent them as public servants. I have always and will continue to press for the highest standards of ethical conduct for myself and those responsible to me. Even the appearance of impropriety or corruption must be avoided at all costs. As Senate Majority Leader, the buck stops here when it comes to the my chamber. At the same time, we are reminded of our Founding Fathers who wished for a more equal balance among the three branches of government than we currently have. To satisfy these goals:
- Introduced the SPOTLIGHT Act that makes voters aware of every donation, money or otherwise, a candidate receives
- Introduced the Prioritizing Dixie Voters Amendment which creates an independent commission to redraw electoral boundaries.
- Voted yes on the Accountable Government Act to stop ex-legislators from lobbying
- Voted yes on the Strengthening Congressional Disclosures and Trading Regulations Act to prevent insider trading among politicians.
- Authored and passed the Suspension of Salary Amendment so that those actually responsible for a shutdown receive no pay, only needing 1 more state to add this to the Constitution.
- Authored and added to the US Constitution the Pardon Reform Amendment so the President cannot be his own judge and self-pardon.
- Authored and passed the Lying to Congress Act so that those who break the law during our oversight duties can't escape just by waiting.
- Passed numerous bills this term to haul back the surveillance state and restore the fourth amendment.
- Passed In Vino Veritas Act to reform our bloated and criminally inaccessible law code.
- Authored and passed the Restoring Role of Congress in Trade Act to fight back against the Imperial Presidency.
- Authored and Senate passed the Decisive Veto Act so the President cannot play partisan games with a veto.
- Authored and passed the US Secret Service Reform Act protecting our nation's leaders more effectively.
- Moved quickly to fill Supreme Court vacancies with 4 qualified nominees who have restored justice, honor, and integrity to the court.
foreign affairs
American security doesn't begin at home, but abroad. It begins with the post-WWII international order and our allies that America leads based on our moral authority. Those who want to withdraw to our country and dig our heads in the sand are misguided and fail to realize that in the absence of American leadership authoritarian states like the PRC or Russia would take our place. This can never be allowed to happen and here's what I've done to pursue a strong foreign policy:
- Authored and passed the Resolution of the Gray Zone Dispute so that our friends to the north and us remain on good terms.
- Ratified the new Iran treaty that fixes the mistakes of the old GuiltyAir version. Additionally, authored and Senate passed the IRAN Act that recognizes who that regime is and immediately puts sanctions back on them if they violate the treaty.
- Authored Libya Military Force Resolution to give the President teeth in his negotiations to resolve the Libyan Civil War and ensure we do not recognize Haftar the warlord.
- Authored Venezuelan Security Act to combat the dictator Maduro and cut off aid to his government until he leaves.
- Ratified an Asian Trade treaty that will economically cut off the PRC with the help of our allies until they agree to critical reforms and ending their human rights abuses. For the same reasons we passed the Security for Taiwan Act as well.
- Added Finland to NATO to further expand our allies and tell Putin's Russia that we are no longer messing around like the Obama years.