About Us

Since 2014, Redwood Forest Defense (RFD) has been working to protect the redwood rainforests in so-called Humboldt County from deforestation using non violent direct action to protect forests. We use direct action to stop logging and symbolic actions to protest industrial logging more broadly.

In early April 2020, on the ancestral lands of the Tsurai people, near so-called Trinidad, Humboldt County, RFD established another treesit that has effectively stopped Green Diamond Resource Company from clearcutting a redwood rainforest.

Disrupting industrial logging is our way of resisting colonialism, capitalism, and the looming existential crisis of climate change. Defending this forest builds on the legacy of a campaign wherein activists effectively deterred logging operations for 6 years until 2018 when the original Timber Harvest Plan (THP) expired. Since the currently active THP was approved November 2019 and logging began March 2020, this is the just beginning of our resistance.

RFD Culture

We are dedicated to being a part of the global movement for climate justice with reverence to Indigenous sovereignty movements. We intend to build a culture that is healing for the land and for each other from the heart of restorative social justice. Here is the framework of the culture that we are trying to build as we work together to protect the forest:

Decolonization & Non Violence: We acknowledge that the United States, and many of our personal privileges, are founded on genocide, slavery, and the exploitation of nature through capitalist systems. We give our full commitment to the decolonization, deoccupation, demilitarization and full repatriation of Indigenous lands. We each do our own personal work to decolonize ourselves of harmful dominant culture frameworks that separate humans from the land. We explore the intricacies of our role as humans in, and our connection to, the natural world.

We are committed to using non violent direct action tactics when we participate in the Redwood Forest Defense campaign. We do not use sabotage but we understand its use as a tactic against industrial resource extraction. RFD does not spike trees, sabotage machinery or destroy property.

Accessibility & Learning: We provide educational resources for each other and are open to having conversations and growing into new realms of understanding. We believe that this is part of building a bigger movement. We will work to pass on stories and movement history.

We actively work to dismantle barriers to participation particularly for women, trans and gender nonconforming folks, Indigenous, Black, people of color, people with disabilities and those with limited access to cultural cues and financial resources that come with class privilege by:

  • Being mindful of group dynamics of power, privilege and oppression

  • Ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate and express ideas, not just those who feel most comfortable speaking up in a group.

  • Mitigating and interrupting social power dynamics by addressing discrepancies in who is talking/whose voices are being heard.

  • Making an effort to call in and invite people in, consciously. Being willing to use group resources to accommodate need* developed from AORTA.coop

Creativity & Joy: We dedicate ourselves to curiosity, creativity, and joy. We uplift the agency of each unique voice with respect by seeking all that we have to learn from each other.

Commitment to Consent: We are committed to consent in all realms from conversations to climbing, to training and tasks. We will acknowledge the difference between intent and impact and be willing to take responsibility for any negative impacts we have regardless of our intent.

Supportive Environment: We work together in an environment where it is safe to fail and will openly communicate our capacities. We check in to find support when we seem unable to meet a responsibility we took on. We will ask questions, support inquisitiveness, and practice openness in expressing doubts and fears. We acknowledge that it is okay to take our time and will honor our unique processes when collaborating with others to meet a goal.

Brave Space: Problematic behavior, such as expressions of misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, silencing, putting someone down, et al, will not be tolerated. We are open to having conversations about transgressions. We are open to constructive criticism and learning how to do better. We approach others with compassion when offering criticism.

No cisgender male participating in the campaign will proposition any non-cis gendered male also participating in the campaign.

It is our understanding that the use of alcohol and drugs while in the woods enguaging in nonviolent direct action with Redwood Forest Defense puts personal safety and the safety of others in the campaign at risk. We ask that participants refrain from using alcohol and drugs while in the woods.