Remote Learning with Dr. Redcay


During COVID-19, schools buildings closed to keep everyone safe. Our students do not learn from a physical building. So, I knew that my students were going to continue to learn, but they needed to learn remotely. For me, I knew that meant that I needed to teach my second graders online as I helped my own two children continue to learn. I was lucky to teach in a one-on-one school so my students already had their own iPads. Also, during this time I had a student teacher. She had a dual placement so she was going to spend the duration of her placement teaching online. In the evenings, I needed to transfer my college students over to remote learning, and I needed to give these pre-service teachers skills to teach students in different situations. I knew that it was going to be a lot to juggle, but I also knew that it needed to happen. As teachers we have the opportunity to make a positive impact in lives of our students so we always have to find a way to make it happen.

So far this is what I have learned ...

  • We have to remain flexible and empathic.

  • We can adapt things that we already had planned.

  • We are stronger together. I have been so thankful to collaborate and work with others during this time.

  • We need to share what we are doing with one another.

  • We need to find ways to listen to the different family situations, and we need to differentiate our communication and instruction accordingly.

  • We need to be very intentional about the tools that we are using with our students. We want to gradually introduce students to new things so we do not overwhelm them.

  • We need to create short video clips explaining different things that we are asking the students to do and use in the classroom.

  • We need to provide the students with clear feedback when we ask the students to complete different tasks.

  • We need to make sure that we are not just assigning worksheets and packets. We need to continue to instruct our students.

  • We need to find ways to engage our students!

Please feel free to view and use the resources that we have used during remote learning

. If I can help you with anything then please reach out to me.


Jessica Redcay

Twitter/Instagram: @RedcayResources