Resources & Partners

Brochures and Slides to share

The FACTS brochure for adults

RRR adult brochure.pdf

The FACTS brochure for youth

Youth brochure.pdf

The FACTS of Resilience power point slides

RRR power point.pdf

Resilience 3 C's brochure

RRR 3Cs brochure.pdf


Bouncing Back From Life's Disasters with Pastor Mark Ellingson

Dealing with Disaster Reaction: Tips for Effective Communication with Katherine O'Neill, PhD

Some Days: Dealing with Flood Stress, Staying Resilient with Andy McLean, MD


Conceptualizing Resilience with Jacqueline Crawford, MS, LP

Partner Presentation

WEBINAR The FACTS of Resilience for professional working with families (2013)

WHITE PAPER Flood Resource Fair: for professionals working with with families (2013)

2013 Resource Fair white paper.pdf

Resources for Additional Information


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