I have now purchased a license, but the model I was working on has reverted to a very old state, so I have lost a lot of work. Where is the version of the model in between the end of the trial and the purchase of the license?

In what directory were you saving the SketchUp file as you worked? The last saved version of it should be there. The trial version is not limited except in the time it is allowed to run before you need to supply the license. Your file should be saved somewhere. That said, the trial version is intended to be used for software evaluation and not for commercial work. See section 2.1 here.

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DROPBOX Backup deleted my files when I cancelled my 3TB trial. Has anyone here experienced the same thing? Here's how it happened. I was on the free version and upgraded to a 3 TB trial version. Dropbox backed up all my MP3's and Audacity projects. there were many. I watched the app work syncing my files and looked around at the features for about a month but decided to cancel. In the meantime, apparently, I was at my 3TB limit, or close to it when I ended my trial. After I saw the app do quite a bit of syncing after cancelling, I was delivered back a laptop that had nothing in the 'PC' folder!! I had a large amount of Audacity projects there as well as an amount of MP3's I had exported from Audacity, as I said. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, RIGHT?? Bad, bad, bad for your potential customers!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wondering if Dropbox still has my files and if I can get them restored to me.

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THANKS Jay!!!!!!

I was able to find the date the files were deleted using the events page (9/1), but the COOL thing was that I was not TOO LATE to restore my files from the Deleted Files page! Dropbox keeps them for a month. I started the download and it looks like my files are being restored NOW, as I see the spinning square "Restoring files" go round and round on my laptop. This could take a while to finish up tonight, but before I started the restore, I attached a wired ethernet cable instead of using wireless, so that should help keep the connection up while it downloads all my Audacity content. THANKS AGAIN JAY.


Stu Osborn, Newport, OR

To answer your questions Jay, I don't remember cancelling the Dropbox Backup before I cancelled my trial. I believe it was still syncing when I cancelled. And I probably made some changes on my machine since, but not many. I may have deleted a few files but nothing important.

UPDATE: Jay, now that I recall, and I can see it in the events page, after this all happened I actually DID delete all but one of my Audacity eNNNNN.au files which were used to launch my Audacity projects before all this happened. I was disgusted and perplexed and decided to just start over. But then I saw the Dropbox Community and wondered if Dropbox still had my files, so I did the original post which you answered, thanks.

Jay, QUESTION: Before I started my restoration this evening, I had paused my Dropbox syncing a few days ago. Should that have been unpaused while my files were restoring? Should I unpause syncing while the restoration is happening, or should I just leave it alone?

Dropbox SUPPORT,

The attempt to restore my Audacity files and Desktop WAS UNSUCCESSFUL overnight. Nothing was changed on my machine when I checked it this morning. The square "Restoring Files" spinner just sat there and spun with nothing changed on my laptop.

May I please get a Support ticket on this issue, Jay? I'm needing some more help today. I'll resume syncing in my Dropbox and try to restore all my files again this morning.

Stu Osborn, Newport, OR

Still struggling with this, Jay. But I've been able to launch the restoration on a piecemeal basis and the web page now says restorations all were successful, but the Dropbox app is reporting I'm at my 2 GB limit for the Basic Plan and will not sync any more. The sync apparently needs to happen to restore my machine but won't until this syncing issue is solved. So I deleted most of my content on Dropbox to free up space but it won't clear the "Can't sync until you free up space" error message in the app and won't bring down my files to my machine from the app.

What should I do????

You're very kind to try to jump in and help, Hannah.

I knew I could try to restore my folders on a piecemeal basis, and I did do that actually. I separated my music files and did that restoration, then did the larger DVD data files separately. The issue I had was the Dropbox app that is required to download my restoration. It kept hanging or crashing. I knew that could be an issue with any app that requires constant connectivity, so before I started restoring I shut down wireless and connected a wired ethernet cable. Still hung at times, so it wasn't the connection.. I had to babysit the thing and choose a file to restore next which kicked things off again. It took so long I had to leave it running when I went on vacation out of town for 4 days and when I came back today, the machine was sleeping after I had turned off its power down and disabled its hibernate options before I left. When I woke it up, it appeared the app had finished downloading!! YAY!!!

What do I do now, Hannah and/or DROPBOX Community?? Nothing appears to have changed on my Desktop after having apparently been able to successfully download all my files????

Dear, Eduardo. I used a trial version to create a project and it has expired. I've tried to download another version using a new profile and a new Archicad installation on the exactly same machine. Still doesn't work. Have I lost the files for good?? No other way to access it? Even if I bought the licence? Thanks

Hi. My team and I were working with a BIM 360 trial version. Our boss didn't want to do the payment for the license and we can't recover the files that we were working on. We need to access the BIM Docs Management to download those models because they got valuable information for our work, so we can recover all the latest versions of the models after the last publishment. Hope it can be possible. Kind regards.

Up until the 30th day of the trial, customers can download project files in their BIM 360 trial. On the 31st day, customers will lose access to their trial and data. However, for the next 30 days after expiration, they can still purchase a subscription and get access to their account and data. After that time, the account and data will be deleted.

I seem to have lost folders and cloud models after my trial expired. Even though I had bought the AEC collection in the meantime with the same e-mail address, after the trial version expired the folders are deleted and I have no access to them anymore. Well done Autodesk, do not fail to surprise me with the incompetence.

I have been using the trial. I was under the impression that once the trial expired that i would get a code when I purchased that would unlock the program. I did not think it would be a completely different program. I have numerous designs that would have been restored when the trial opened back up. Instead the trial is now over, and though I spent my hard earned cash on the program, I cannot recover those files that i put tons of time into which is far more important than money. These are logos and designs that I made for the business I work for as the project manager so I was paid for this time and my managers, the owners of the company, are not going to be happy to say the least. I need these files recovered. There was no warning that this would happen. It didn't even warn me the trial was almost over or anything. You guys gotta do better than that. I don't want to hear "Were sorry but there is no way to recover these files" because I know that they are somewhere on my hard drive. Whether you need to extend the trial so I can open it one more time or whatever. It needs to happen. Please and thank you.

Removing the trial from your system after purchasing the full version won't delete the files you've created, they will still be saved on your HDD. It's just a case of knowing where you selected to save them when you used File > Save in the app. Have you tried doing a search for .afdesign or .afphoto files depending on which app you tried.

That is the same response I got in email from your guys team! Do you think I'm an idiot or something or did you just not even read what I posted. I guess I have to type the exact same thing again... I DID NOT SAVE THE FILES BECAUSE THEY AUTOMATICALLY SAVE AND RESTORE. I did not know the trial was over because it did not warn me. It did not warn me that unsaved files would be lost when the trial ended. I know they are still there because nothing has changed except that I can't open the trial due to its expiration. I understand that you can't give out how to reset the trial but I need these designs. I could lose my job for this. I will send you a USB with the entire program on it if I have to. I really like this program and I have bought the full version but the customer support so far has been poor at best. Both of the people I talked to treated me like a child like I don't know how to save a file and how to find it. I have a bachelors in computer science so please be real with me now. Help me recover these files. 152ee80cbc

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