I just recently purchased a 4 camera Arlo system last Thursday. Everything was working fine until my internet went out and they ended up replacing my cable modem. The modem is also the wifi router. Do I need to go through the setup process again so the base station can work with a new wifi router? I can't find any settings where I can just change the network it connects to. Should I just delete the base station and start over?

I'm having the same problem. I just got a new router. I disconnected the arlo base from the old router hooked it up to new router and it has now dissapeared. I tried the system reset all lights turned amber than the power light turned green and all other lights off. What do I need to do to get the system back and running?

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Can you verify that the cable works properly by using it on another device/computer or try a different cable? Does the new router's port indicate that the base is connected (via its LED indicators on the port)? Does the router show the base has an IP address? What brand/model router? Some folks outside the US seem to have had equipment supplied that needs to be configured to allow Arlo to work properly. Have you made any changes to the router's settings such as port blocking?

Thank you for responding. I actually switched back to the old router because I rather have slower internet but with cameras. The system still didn't work with the old router. Changed cables that didn't work, the internet works on everything else just not the base. Netgear has been good about helping me figure this out and they believe something is wrong with the base station so they're sending me a different one. Hopefully that will work.

Hello, I bought this system about 4 months ago and it worked great. I just was upgraded to fibre optics to my house and we got a 5-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch (D-Link). Now only the power light on the Arlo stays green and the other lights are off. I tried the rest, unplugging and plugging back in. I also tyried changing the port it was plugged into on the Switch, to no avail. The lighst are green for the other devices plugged into the switch, buit the one that the arlo plugs into stays amber....no matter which port I plug it into (tried them all). please help

I have no problem plugging into a switch. You don't mention trying a different cable which you should do. Also, try temporarily taking the cable from the router to the switch and plug it into the base and/or move the base to the router.

For personalized support specific to the Arlo products you own, access Support from within the Arlo iOS or Android App. Simply login to your Arlo App, go to Settings, Support, then select the Arlo product you would like support for.

After a power outage, my Nighthawk router's wifi settings were gone and only I found default Netgear SSID's. I was able to log into the router with my admin password and other network settings seem to have been kept.

> After a power outage, my Nighthawk router's wifi settings were gone

> [...]

Ā A typical power failure is seldom a clean off-on event, so some

device confusion is possible.

> I had to completely redo all my wifi settings. (create SSID's,

> security settings, guest wifi, etc.)

Ā ADVANCED > Administration > Backup Settings

> How do I prevent this issue the next time the power goes out [...]

Ā That may be difficult. Better power conditioning (as from a UPS)

might help.

> [...] or when I have to unplug the router? [...]

Ā Is that enough to cause the problem?

> Is this a known bug?

Ā That depends on how you define "bug".

@UnderPressure, along with what @antinode said, I don't think it was 'normal'. Normal in the sense that losing power should have that happen. The settings and even the F/W is held in NVRAM... that should not be cleared at all with the general loss of power.

I'd think either the power state caused your problem, and you might not have noticed or be aware of all the implications due to that or you have a h/w problem if the NVRAM can't hold the contents without power.

I have the exact same issue. Power goes out, wireless configuration is erased. Admin password remains the same. WIFI goes open BTW, so after a power outage my entire network is exposed. This is not a power issue at my house. I have another NightHawk r7000, and it has never ever done that. Netgear has to investigate this.

I unable to replicate the problem by turning on/off the router as well as moving the router to another power outlet. I also turned on/off the wifi button. The power outage was several hours long so it was likely the memory not being able to hold its data as you stated @IrvSp.

BTW, my router IS connected to a high-end power conditioning system for our media center. Unfortunately, my UPS died in the last power outage so I didn't have one connected during the last power outage. I just need to install the new UPS (CyberPower CP1000AVRLCD) ordered during Black Friday. Any suggestions for how to connect a UPS when there is a power conditioner in the mix? I'm thinking I should just skip the power conditioner.

> [...] The power outage was several hours long so it was likely the

> memory not being able to hold its data as you stated @IrvSp.

Ā That's not what he said. Most likely, it's not a question of how

long the power stayed off. (Try it for a few hours. Or

days/weeks/months/years.) The likely hypothesis is that there was a

transient (surge, spike, whatever) around the time the power was lost or

restored, and that transient is what caused the data corruption/loss. A

hardware problem is much less likely, but very easy to test.

> [...] a high-end power conditioning system [...]

Ā That tells me approximately nothing about that gizmo.

> [...] Any suggestions for how to connect a UPS when there is a power

> conditioner in the mix? I'm thinking I should just skip the power

> conditioner.

Ā Ask someone who knows something about your (unspecified) "a high-end

power conditioning system"?

@UnderPressure, I'm using the same UPS. It too will handle spikes/surges. Not sure what you mean by 'power conditioner' and 'high-end' either? Suspect an expensive SURGE PROTECTOR? Some of them could be useless for large voltage variations that are fast. USP's work differently and are immune to those basically. If it is a Surge Protector, take it out and only use the UPS. If it is something housewide like an option from our power company, don't worry about it, just use the UPS.

I can reproduce this exact issue on my R7900P simply by disconnecting the power overnight. Last night I disconnected the router power at 11:30pm, and then plugged it back in at 7am. Upon bootup, the Wireless settings including the Wireless name and password were reset to the default values (name NETGEAR, with no security enabled). Other settings were not wiped.

While a surge suppressor will help some with spikes a power outage may also have a power sage, spikes and other things happen. A good UPS will isolate you from these issues. I have my modem and router both on a UPS just for this reason. For what a router needs they are not that expensive and frequent power outages could in some isolated cases damage the router. I have a whole house surge suppessor, but know that will not protect the electronics like a UPS will.

Same issue here. I reset my cable modem and router once/day. I have used always used a timer to shut off my cable modem at 4 am and turn back on at 4:01 am, then use a second timer to shut off my router at 4:15 am and turn it back on at 4:16 am. I never had any issues until I bought the X6S at Costco yesterday. This morning my settings were erased, and the router was back to factory. I am taking the router back today.

I am not very impressed with Netgear. This is my second router in a week. I spent 2.5 days trying to get the new AX12 router to work, and finally, Netgear support said they believe it is a faulty router and to return or replace. I returned the $444 router to best buy and bought the $150 X6S at Costco.

Same issue. Power has nothing to do with it. Loss of settings has occured when rebooting the router from the admin screen. After the reboot all defalt settings have been loaded. The unit makes me log into my account at Netgear, then I am told I cant buy a contract, then I have to attempt login to the router several times, and finaly get the the admin page so I can restore my setting from the backup file. I should have done a little more research before buying a Netgear product. Their support is very poor. I am going to Amazon to leave feedback on my purchase, not going to be very good.

Same issue for me with a C7000v2, and power loss/spikes have nothing to do with this. I had to cycle power to the device and it happened. This will NOT work for me because what if I'm not home and there's a power outage? I will be out of internet in my house until I get back (could be days or months before I can restore the config settings). In the mean time, I rely on the internet for both home automation and home security, and an incidence like this would leave all of that dead in the water. This is a deal breaker. I had owned many Netgear products in the past, but this one really shake my confidence in Netgear.

I just moved and having a difficult time setting up my WIFI. I have it hooked up from my cable modem to my router to my computer. Everything appears to working fine... internet is working on my computer. When I go to connect my cell phone to the WIFI (using router defaults), I get a pop-up saying "sign in to WI-FI network." When I click that it says, "sign in to NETGEARXX" and then it tries to redirect to It hangs up trying to connect to that and my phone never connects to the wifi. I have Spectrum internet, but I am not sure why they have anything to do with this netgear router and the WIFI network. How would Spectrum know and force a redirect to sign-in? I have tried rebooting each thing several time. Please help! 152ee80cbc

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