There are people who love the sound of the vinyl. Is it possible to reproduce a similar vinyl sound effect using sophisticated plugins available nowdays? Maybe someone knows and could share the gold. And I just want to point out that I don't mean a slowdown effect.

just tried it. used LP noise effect. I already have the crackle in my track so I had the first dial set to zero and second one was just noise so i set that to 0 as well. i tried playing with the year dial and i couldnt tell any difference in the sound, maybe because with the other 2 dials set to 0 it has no effect

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One interesting thing about vinyl LPs I recently found out is that the closer you get to the centre, the less bass you have, so album track orders used to be partly dictated by where you needed the most bass.

Here is my track i used izotope Vinyl plugin on. I did some eq after it to compensate for the leveled subs and also, I cut some hi's that izotope raised. i dont deal with vinyls so i wouldnt tell if it sounds close to vinyl like. but i can say it sounds less digital comparing to what i had before inserting izotope.

What is most noticeable to me, when I play a vinyl then a CD version of the same album, is simply that you can hear differences in both the highest and the lowest frequencies. Low frequencies tend to be rolled-off and high frequencies lack some dynamics. I have a fairly simple EQ in my home stereo setup and, shortly after buying my first CDs (which were then a novelty, at electronics stores), I found that I could give my CDs an LP-like treatment just by attenuating (especially) the highest frequencies. I also found that some CDs gave my speakers an annoying deep "buzz," probably caused by very low frequencies that my records didn't have.

The shift in hi/lo frequencies is pretty understandable, in order to better press high-frequencies into vinyl material, and to avoid needle jumping out of the groove, all audio is "shifted", highs are boosted and lows are cut. Then you need a "phono preamp" which applies the inverted curve (cut highs, boosted lows), also called a RIAA Curve. That's why when you listen to vinyl without a riaa preamp, it sounds horrible

Hi there! I've been struggling for finding a proper way to create that retro audio that when you hear it, you know you're watching an 80's or backwards movie. I'm not referring about the "vintage radio" effect, which is the only thing I've found on the Internet when looking for a retro audio effect, but that high saturated sound that I don't know how to achieve, something like this: =_8AzKj5qlp0

So basically I would like to know how to make my audio sound like that, you can hear the audio quality that I mean on 70's and 80's movie trailers, specially the grindhouse style ones. I know it must be something really easy, but I've played around with the different audio effects on both Premiere and Audition and I'm unable to find it.

I've had to do this a number of times and have found a free plugin called "Isotope Vinyl" useful. As the name implies, it's actually designed to make audio sound like old records but, but playing with the various options, you can get various forms of noise, crackle and clicks.. iZotope Vinyl: Free Vinyl Simulator Plug-in | Free AAX, VST, AU Plug-in

Mostly this is about compression, and having all of the dynamics squashed out of the sound - but also you need to restrict the frequency range, to cut off everything above about 9-10 kHz and some of the bass. Specifically how you achieve the classic 'movie' sound is slightly more complicated than that, and you need to understand about the 'academy curve', which dictates what the actual response curve is.

It's not that difficult to achieve within Audition, but there's actually more than one curve you can apply - depends on how far you want to go. The later curve leaves slightly more of the higher frequencies in, and generally sounds 'cleaner' to my ears, but how far you go is up to you. Anyway, the basic information about this is here: Welcome Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity

Apropos of nothing, here's a short clip I did for a theatre production a few years back. It starts off with the sound and lighting (and the actors were inside what looked like a cinema screen) than morphs into live action. Dr X Open.mp3 - Box

But I gotta say this Isotope Vinyl one looks pretty nice for me, also gives the option of giving different scratches and dust sound effects, and that's cool. I've made some tests with this plugin and also putted in practice what you guys have been talking about of the EQ and so, and I like how the effect looks (or better said, sounds) like.

I get this problem also. It really seems like a pretty simple hardware issue, like a bad solder joint because my fix for this has literally been to drop the unit about 3 inches and the crackling goes away. Like something inside needs to be slid around or something. It sounds like when a guitar pot is going bad and crackles when you turn it, but just all the time. Deoxit in the right spot would fix that problem.

Same issue here, no answers for any of us it seems like. Running 2 FireFace 800's through adapters, and independently, they both work fine. But the second you try to use them as an aggregate audio device, it just crackles and sounds demonic.

I would really like to use the new M1 Mac Mini I spent a good deal of money on for my recording sessions, but I need both interfaces in order to do this with my workflow. Although the M1 is very fast and has a lot of pro's, it seems like they forgot to perfect the Core Audio or something with the software. RME released a driver for a 15+ year old product, but Apple seems more interested in shelling out new products to sell when they haven't even fixed the issues with the old ones we already bought. Very strange since musicians are a huge chunk of Apples demographic. Very disappointed that this seems to have no fix.

For me, I like to create an aggregate device so I can use 2 sets of headphones inside of Logic Pro X to mix my songs with whatever artist is in my studio. I like for them to hear the instrumental and their voice while recording, and I also want to be able to hear them as they record simultaneously through the use of the aggregate device that I create with the audio Midi Setup on the computer. So I add in my case my Scarlett 2i2 audio interface along with my pair of headphones(it should pop up as External Headphones inside of the audio Midi Setup app) which I plug directly into my MacBook and my artist that I'm recording will use the headphones that plug directly into the audio interface.

When you do this however, you have to make sure to tick Drift Correction for both of the devices that are being linkedor however many devices you may have. If you only have 1 ticked, then you will experience weird crackling noise when you try to playback things.

SO you shouldn't have to mess with the Sample Rate at all. Just ticking the Drift Correction box for however many devices you are linking together, and then properly setting up your Input and Output channels in your software and also on your computer settings in the Sounds section SHOULD FIX YOUR ISSUE. ?

I'm an audio producer so always hesitant to update to a new OS. finally updated to Monterey 12.6.Playback through my aggregate device is completely distorted when I play anything from Spotify or through a web browser (youtube, etc)I don't experience the problem when working in Logic Pro, or when playing audio files saved locally.

My temporary workaround has been to change the system sound settings output to a single audio device, rather than the aggregate, to listen to Spotify. This is less distorted, but actually still sounds pretty terrible, I think it's in mono actually.

Just wanna add to this discussion as I was having the same problem trying to create an aggregate device with my usb mixer/motu interface. Crackling/weird digital distortion. I'm on a Mac mini M1 running Mac OS 12.6.

The thing that fixes it for me is to add in my "Zoom Audio Device" into the aggregate Device. I have no idea, and it makes no sense (at least to me) but when I add that into the device, the distortion goes away and everything works as it should. Very weird!

All indicates it is a software issue and Apple Support can't do anything about it. I suggest everyone reading this submit a bug report so that sometime in the next decade they will care to fix this massively annoying problem. Bug report page: Feedback - Apple.

When I opened Universal Control, it indicated that it had an update available. After updating, each of my devices had a firmware update recommended which I also updated. After this, I restarted my computer and it seems I had to re-set up my aggregate device in the Audio-Midi setup, etc, but after all of this, the crackling issue has so far been resolved. 152ee80cbc

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