Natural Stuff


At the moment, I have and use the ORG Massage and Body  Lotion, Chosen Foods Organic Avocado Oil for the Gluten Free & Sensitive, 


 Feel free to bring your own lotion or oil and we can absolutely use it!


I use my own fun, colorful sheets and launder them myself.  All the massage laundry is absolutely separate from my household laundry and I add vinegar to the rinse cycle to naturally sterilize everything.

The natural laundry soap has been BioKleen Liquid for quite a while now.

I have fallen in love with the 365 Lavender Fabric Softener. It has just the right balance of softness and very light freshness. I like to wash smells and dirt out rather than wash in heavy perfumes! 

General Cleaning

I am compelled to let you know I am a bit of a neat-freak. I don't just clean my lotion and essential oil bottles between clients. I wipe down my own water bottle, door knobs, light switches and drawer handles. I like to know that everything a client and I make contact with in the room is truly individualized.