The whole system requires some combination of the following components: 



Dynamic Interplay Between Service Caching and Code Offloading in Mobile-Edge-Cloud Networks

IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking, 2023. (top-tier conf, BK IF 1)

Dynamic Resource Orchestration for Service Chaining in Cloud-Edge-Radio 5G Networks

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023. (SCIE, IF 6.239)

Cortical microstructural gradients capture memory network reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy

Brain, 2023. (SCIE, IF 15.255)

Deformable Part Region Learning and Feature Aggregation Tree Representation for Object Detection

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023. (SCIE, IF 24.314)

AFI-GAN: Improving feature interpolation of feature pyramid networks via adversarial training for object detection

Pattern Recognition, 2023. (SCIE, IF 8.518)

Atypical intrinsic neural timescales in temporal lobe epileps

Epilepsia, 2023. (SCIE, IF 6.740)

Whole-brain functional gradients reveal cortical and subcortical alterations in patients with episodic migraine

Human Brain Mapping, 2023. (SCIE, IF 5.399)

Sparse Depth-Guided Image Enhancement Using Incremental GP with Informative Point Selection

Sensors, 2023. (SCIE, IF 3.847)

Edge-guided Multi-domain RGB-to-TIR image Translation for Training Vision Tasks with Challenging Labels

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. (top-tier conf, BK IF 1)

Robust Imaging Sonar-based Place Recognition and Localization in Underwater Environments

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. (top-tier conf, BK IF 1)

Relation Modeling on Knowledge Graph for Interoperability in Recommeder Systems

Proceedings of ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2023. (top-tier conf, BK IF 1)

Better Generalized Few-Shot Learning Even Without Base Data

Proceedings of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023. (top-tier conf, BK IF 4)


Coordinated cortical thickness alterations across six neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders

Nature Communications, 2022. (SCIE, IF 17.694)

Functional brain changes using electroencephalography after a 24-week multidomain intervention program to prevent dementia

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2022. (SCIE, IF 5.702)

RT-MOT: Confidence-Aware Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Multi-Object Tracking Tasks

IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2022. (top-tier conf, BK IF 4)

Nonparametric Background Model-Based LiDAR SLAM in Highly Dynamic Urban Environments

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. (SCIE, IF 9.551)

Micapipe: A pipeline for multimodal neuroimaging and connectome analysis

NeuroImage, 2022. (SCIE, IF 7.4)

Multiscale neural gradients reflect transdiagnostic effects of major psychiatric conditions on cortical morphology

Communications Biology, 2022. (SCIE, IF 6.548)

An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience

Scientific Data, 2022. (SCIE, IF 8.501)

Dynamic Multi-Resource Optimization for Storage Acceleration in Cloud Storage Systems

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2022. (SCIE, IF 11.019)

Attractive and Repulsive Training to Address Inter-Task Forgetting Issues in Continual Learning

Neurocomputing, 2022. (SCIE, IF 5.719)

Adolescent Development of Multiscale Structural Wiring and Functional Interactions in the Human Connectome

PNAS, 2022. (SCIE, IF 12.779)

Cerebrovascular reactivity and deep white matter hyperintensities in migraine: A prospective CO2 targeting study

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2022. (SCIE, IF 6.96)