Deep Total Recall

Human-Centered AI Research Center @ Inha Univ.


과거 지식에 대한 재생성, 즉 인간처럼 회상(recall) 가능한 인공신경망 지속학습 플랫폼 개발

The goal of our research center is to develop a deep learning-based system for total recall, which is the ability to remember and recall past experiences in a totally integrated manner similar to how human brain does

The key aspect of total recall is the ability to regenerate, or recall, past experiences when necessary. In the human brain, the process of recalling past experiences involves the activation of specific neural pathways, which in turn leads to the re-generation of the associated memories. In order to replicate this process in a machine learning system, we will develop algorithms and neural network architectures that are able to effectively activate and re-generate specific memories when needed.