The bulk of my research to date has focused on three primary areas:

1) Applying a dynamic lens to teams research. I focus on the dynamics of affect and hierarchy and how changes over time in these areas can affect both group and individual-level experiences. 

2) Diversity and inclusion within the workplace. My work in this area seeks to understand when and why the experiences of men and women differ at work and how to promote inclusive working environments. 

3) The multidimensional self. How are individuals are shaped not only by forces across time within groups, but also across dimensions of self at one point in time? My dissertation introduces the educational psychology theory of internal dimensional comparisons (Moeller & Marsh, 2013) to the OB literature. This theory argues that in addition to between-person social comparisons, individuals engage in within-person dimensional comparisons across competency areas. 

I hope to grow these areas of research in the future! You can check out my published work at my GoogleScholar site and more details on my research on my CV here.