"Bog of cats " by Marine Carr

For this project , they designed characters and costumes based on Marina Carr's " By the Bog of cats" and adapted the designs for the film 

Heater swane 

Hester, a forty-year-old traveler who has spent her whole life on the Bog of Cats .  She  has a profound belief in her own worth, and is strong headed , which leads to her demise 

Ghost Fancier 

A ghostly figure that appears to hester to warn of a death , hers . For my design i based the character off the irish myhological figure "The Dullahan"


An eccentric older women whose is a fantastical figure with a wild clothing style. The description of cat eyes on her cloak helped coin the name "Catwomen" for this character.

Caroline Cassidy

The daughter of Xavier Cassidy, Caroline, age twenty, marries Carthage Kilbride.Caroline is incredibly submissive and obeys both Xavier and Carthage's commands.