
Peer reviewed publications

Hidden Exposure: Measuring US Supply Chain Reliance (with R. Baldwin and A. Theodorakopoulos). Brookings Papers for Economic Analysis. (Forthcoming). [BPEA Conference Draft] [NBER WP] [CEPR DP] [VoxEU]

Deconstructing Deglobalization: The Future of Trade is in Intermediate Services (with R. Baldwin and A. Theodorakopoulos). Asian Economic Policy Review. (2023). [WP] 

The Impact of Non-Tariff Barriers on Trade and Welfare (with S. Dhingra and H. Huang). Economica. (2023) Vol. 90. [CEP/LSE WP] [VoxEU]

Risks and Global Supply Chains: What We Know and What We Need to Know (with R. Baldwin). Annual Review of Economics. (2022)  Vol. 14. [NBER WP] [CEPR DP] [BoE WP] [VoxEU]

Gravity Model Estimates of the Spatial Determinants of Trade, Migration, and Trade-and-Migration Policies (with J. Lewis). Economics Letters  (2021)  Vol. 204. [VoxEU]

Are All Trade Agreements Equal? The Role of Distance in Shaping the Effect of Economic Integration Agreements on Trade Flows (with S. Pienkangura). Review of World Economics (2019) 155(2),  257–285. [WB WP] [VoxEU]

Working papers

Horses  for Courses: Measuring Foreign Supply Chain Exposure  (with R. Baldwin and A. Theodorakopoulos), NBER Working Paper 30525 (2022). [BoE WP]

UK Trade in the Wake of Brexit  (with K. Manova, T. Prayer, and T. Sampson), LSE Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper 1847 (2022)

Unlocking New Methods to Estimate Country-specific Trade Costs and Trade Elasticities (with M. Larch, A. Theodorakopoulos, and Y. Yotov), Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 951 (2021). [CESifo WP] [Drexel WP] [VoxEU]

Beyond Tariff Reductions: What Extra Boost to Trade from Agreement Provisions? (with S. Dhingra and E. Mavroeidi), LSE Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper 1532 (2018). [VoxEU]

Career of Doctorate Holders: Analysis of Labour Market and Mobility Indicators (with L. Auriol and M. Toshioku), OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2013/4 (2013).

Accounting for the Self-Employed in Labour Share Estimates: the Case of the United States, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2011/4 (2011).

Book chapters

Facilitacion de Comercio en el Mercado Centroamericano (Ch. 2C) in El Comercio de Bienes y Servicios en Centroamerica: Una nueva Mirada (ECLAC, 2014).

Boosting Value Chains via Regional Aid for Trade (Ch. 4) (with M. Plummer and A. Tafti) in Aid for Trade at a Glance 2013: Connecting to Value Chains (OECD/WTO, 2013).

The Wage Share (Ch. 2 & Appendix 2) (w/ J. Pasteels) in ILO Global Wage Report 2010/2011 (ILO, 2011).

Work in progress

Gravity with Unobserved Trade Costs (with R. Dewitte nd A. Theodorakopoulos)

Unequal Migration (with J. Lewis, J. M.C. Santos Silva, S. Szymanski and S. Tenreyro)

Not to Belittle NTBs: Non-Tariff Barriers and Trade During Brexit (with M. Garafolo, E. Longoni, K. Manova, R. Mari, T. Prayer and T. Sampson