Policy Columns, Reports & Contributions

Policy columns

Supply Chain Disruptions: Shocks, Links, and Hidden Exposure (with R. Baldwin and A. Theodorakopoulos) VoxEU, 29 November 2023. (Joint post: VoxEU & BU)

Global Supply Chain Risk and Resilience (with R. Baldwin). VoxEU, 6 April 2022. (Joint post: VoxEU & BU)

Quantifying the Full Impact of Country-specific Policies on Trade Flows (with M. Larch, A. Theodorakopoulos, and Y. Yotov). VoxEU, 12 January 2022. (Joint post: VoxEU & BU)

The Differing Effects of Globalization on Trade Versus Migration (with J. Lewis). VoxEU, 2 June 2021. (Joint post: VoxEU & BU)

The Trade and Welfare Benefits of Deep Trade Agreements (with S. Dhingra and H. Huang). VoxEU, 21 January 2021

Covid-19 Briefing: International Trade and Supply Chains (with R. Sajedi). Bank Underground, 11 June 2020

Trade Conflict in the Age of Covid-19 (with R. Baldwin). VoxEU, 22 May 2020

Supply Chain Contagion Waves: Thinking Ahead on Manufacturing ‘Contagion and Reinfection’ from the COVID Concussion (with R. Baldwin). VoxEU, 1 April 2020

Heterogeneous Effects of Trade Agreements Across Product Types (with S. Pienknagura). VoxEU, 19 September 2018

Beyond Tariff Reductions: The Effect of Deep Provisions on Gross and Value-Added Trade (with S. Dhingra and E. Mavroeidi). VoxEU, 30 March 2018

Policy reports

The Impact of Brexit on UK-EU Trade (Ch. 2) (with K. Manova, T. Prayer, and T. Sampson) in The Economics of Brexit: What Have We Learned? (VoxEU E-Book. 23 June 2022).

Trade Disruptions in the Wake of Brexit (with K. Manova, T. Prayer, and T. Sampson) in CEP/LSE Centre Piece, Vol. 27 Issue 2 Summer 2022.

Global Value Chains, Volatility and Safe Openness: Is Trade a Double-Edged-Sword? (with L. D'Aguanno, O. Davies, A. Dogan, S. Lloyd, D. Reinhardt, R. Sajedi, and R. Zymek). Bank of England Financial Stability Paper No. 46 (January 2021).

Policy speeches I have contributed to

International Trade, Global Supply Chains and Monetary Policy  (Speech by Silvana Tenreyro, 25 October 2021) 

Climbing the Jobs Ladder (Speech by Andy Haldane, 23 July 2019)

Market Power and Monetary Policy (Jackson Hole Lecture by Andy Haldane, 24 August 2018)

[De]Globalisation and Inflation (IMF Camdessus Lecture by Mark Carney, 18 September 2017)