
Name of Milestone

Milestone Description

Link to Final Deliverable

2017 Milestones

Lay of the Land

Description of current problem and current solutions

Minimum Viable Product

Specification document of what product should contain

Possible Technologies

Pro/Con list of sensor types

Experiment Procedure

Procedure for testing SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor

Sensor Test Electronics

Simple electronic prototype of sensor system

General Electrical Design

General electrical design (schematic and breadboard)

General Mechanical Design

General mechanical design (sensor mounting)

Bill of Materials

List of specific parts, prices, quantities, and vendors for construction of sensor (electronic and mechanical)

Design Packet

Document with current electrical designs, mechanical designs, and bill of materials

2018 Milestones

3D Design of Bracket

Designed part to connect sensor to mount on harrow (.stl file)

Test Plans

Testing plan to test accuracy of sensor both in Lab and Field.

Prototype Electronics

Circuit built with all electrical parts planed for final electrical design (.mov file)

Testing Data

Lab testing results with graphs

Live Dashboard

Operating dashboard to display sensor readings and control the Electron microcontroller

PCB Design

Design of custom PCB for electronics with various views of the PCB layout

Final Assembled Electronics

Final operational prototype

Final Report

Final paper about entire project

Final Video

Final video about entire project

Video Script

Script for final video about entire project

Final Poster

Final poster about entire project

As-Built Design Package

As-Built design package for mechanical and electrical design