U2 Education

I am trying to organize materials on education in a new website: Islamic Education. But currently it is not well developed.

Unit 1 is about Developing an Islamic Worldview - this is the foundational basis for an Islamic Education. All of Western education is founded on a Eurocentric Worldview, which is diametrically opposed to an Islamic Worldview. It is only after achieving clarity on this issue that we can proceed to UNIT 2: Principles of An Islamic Education. This unit consists of the following readings/lessons:

After these basic readings, go through the six part sequence of lectures on "How to Become a Great Teacher". The model for us is our Prophet Mohammad SAW, who was the greatest teachers of all time. His methods of teaching ARE the principles of Islamic Education. In these posts, we attempt to capture and learn some crucial elements of his teaching methodology  

After completing this module,  a feedback form will be provided to assess how well this unit performs in imparting valuable information to students. This form will be linked here when it is ready.