C1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the fundamental principles which underlie our new approach to statistics, and differentiates it from the standard approaches. The first part is about making intentions to serve mankind for the sake of the love of Allah. The last four parts are all sections of a talk at the University of Baluchistan - each part is recorded in both English and in Urdu.

1: PP1 The First Principle of Pedagogy, Before we begin to study anything, we must make the right intentions. The same action, done with right intentions, can earn huge rewards. When done with wrong intentions, it can cause huge harm.

2: Fundamental of an Islamic Approach {bit.do/azrs1} - explains why an Islamic approach is different from Western approach.

3: Teaching Statistics as an Act of Worship {bit.do/azrs2} explains how we can teach and learn statistics as an act of worship.

4: Statistics as Rhetoric {bit.do/azrs3}. Explains how the nature of the subject changes, as a result of taking an Islamic approach.

5: How Subjective Comparisons are made to Appear Objective {bit.do/azrs4}. This part explains how Western statistics is deceptive, because it covers many subjective decisions with a cloak of objectivity created by numbers. An Islamic approach penetrates this deception, and is honest about the subjective elements contained within apparently objective measures and numbers.