Reaching the Stars is a transnational Eramus+ partnership project, which aims to develop guidance and counselling in adult education. The project began in January 2022 and will run for 26 months, until the end of February 2024. During this time, the partners will create and collect a series of guidance and counselling practices, which can facilitate adult learners to broaden their own visions for the future. In addition, the practices will help adult learners to reflect on ways to reach their personal goals.

The plan is to produce three concrete outputs:

1.      A collection of guidance and counselling practices which can be used by counsellors to map adult learners’ career goals.

2.      A card game which adult learners themselves can use to reflect on their own competences and objectives.

3.      An online tool which counsellors can use in support of more traditional guidance and counselling.

Reaching the Stars continues in the footsteps of a previous Erasmus+ project, Improving Guidance and Counselling, where the project consortium collected practices for recognising the competences of adult learners. Reaching the Stars will advance the previous work by focusing on how adult learners can reach their goals while taking into account their personal competences and background. Accordingly, the project centres on the concept of hope-based guidance and counselling, which means that it places an empahsis on helping adult learners to better envision their own hopes and wishes for the future.

The coordinator of the project is Työväen Akatemia (Finland). The project partners are Deinde sp. z o.o (Poland), Ljudska univerza Celje (Slovenia) and Education in Progress (Italy).


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