
Getting Started Video

This realtime video shows you how to install the tools.

Instructions Page

You missed the original instructions, you can get them right here.

Features Guide

This video by Edu-Celebrity Sethi shows you around the features of RDPT.

Creating a Glossary

In this video I show you how to make a glossary for a  larger document such as my 30,000 word book.

Translating Low Frequency Words

This video will work with any Google Sheet, but it's been designed to show you how you can use RDPT to translate low frequency words. Language Support can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages

Key formula: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2,"en","ko")

Teaching Vocabulary

This 12 minute video shows you how RDPT will help you to teach vocabulary and introduces techniques that EFL teachers use to help students learn vocabulary.

Using AI to automatically create questions that can be exported to an AI form

This is a new tool called conker.ai (No affiliation, but looks great!)

Embolden Function

This is very similar to the heavily hyped Bionic Reading and is included here to enable teachers and universities to more extensively research the concept. It is available as its own extension at: https://bit.ly/bionicdocs

Research Behind the tool

Learn more about the research behind this tool to bring the academic rigour that isn't always present in new edutech.