Parents supporting Families in the Rochester City School District since 2017

SEPTEMBER 14, 2024

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

School #33, 500 Webster Avenue

2nd Annual SEPAC/RCSD Special Education Resource Fair


The Special Education Parent Advisory Council, known as SEPAC, is comprised of a group of dedicated parents who have children with special needs in the Rochester City School District.


We are here to support you!

your voice is so important. 

you are your child's best advocate.

let us help you navigate this journey together.

SEPAC works together with the RCSD Special Education Department,

 Administrators, Teachers, and various Community Agencies to provide a

supportive environment for our parents/caregivers.


The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) was created in 2017 and is an all volunteer, parent run organization, that supports the parents of children who receive specialized services from the Rochester City School District.  SEPAC is not directly affiliated with the Rochester City School District.

For all information regarding the Rochester City School District, please refer directly to their website at