Royal Canadian Legion

Branch 295 Chilliwack-Vedder

September 18th, 2023





Recovery and contingency planning is limited to Branch 295 information technology systems supported by RCL Br 295 IT Services volunteers.  Entertainment systems, cash machines, BC Lottery Commission terminals, loss of key personnel, and alternative methods of conducting business during IT service outages are not within the IT Services area of responsibility. 

The intent of this document is to highlight our critical areas of concern and establish a framework for implementing recovery and contingency measures in the event of catastrophic or significant loss of service. Other IT Services documentation provides additional information.

 Much of the content below explains some IT Services routine activities that could contribute to an efficient and effective recovery from major problems. Volunteer hours are somewhat limited and  IT Services cannot guarantee the provision of services to cover all contingencies.

This is not a comprehensive checklist of actions to be taken.  An Incident Response Guide is published separately.


1. Disaster recovery and contingency plans are complementary but separate, entities. Disaster recovery deals with restoring full service to an acceptable expected state after a major event, while contingency planning involves identifying temporary alternative ways of doing business until full service can be restored. Many contingency measures are an administrative responsibility of  "management" beyond the expertise and responsibility of IT Services.

2. We will define "disaster" as a major fire, flood, or other event with long-term denial of access to our building with possible destruction of our computers and point of sales system, or one involving  a major malware attack such as a ransomware event. Other serious events outside the IT Services area of direct responsibility may include the loss of key personnel or services with no identified replacements or alternatives.

3. In the event of a disaster or significant loss of service, the IT Services team will meet as soon as humanly possible with the president and other key stakeholders to assess the damage, determine practical measures, and begin recovery action.


2. We have a comprehensive user documents backup plan in effect that is described below.

3. Scheduled maintenance and system backups will be carried out annually on each computer time permitting. One computer will be looked at every three months.  Maintenance includes tune-ups and the creation of Windows Restore Points, system recovery USB sticks, and system backups.  Only the system recovery disks are stored offsite.

4. Financial records backups from the point of sales system and the accounting system are copied to the \\SYSTEM-RCL-295\ computer and move weekly to the offsite backup drive.

5. User account IDs and Passwords provided to IT Services are stored on the Shaw IT Services email account and periodically printed for filing in the president's file cabinet.


Assigning asset values assists us in prioritizing and establishing the level of effort required to recover or implement contingency measures. These values are an indicator of the importance of each asset to branch operations. The following assignments are used here:

1. IdealPOS (IPS) point of sales system (POS). Essential+ service (Exception: If we were to lose our building or for any reason have no ability to conduct sales then this asset value would plummet)

2. Sage 50 Simply Accounting application and data files. Essential+ service.

3. Office productivity tools (e.g. Word processor and spreadsheet applications).  Essential service

3. Internet Connectivity. Essential service

4. Printing and copying. Important service

5. Electronic Mail.  The official email is considered an Essential service. Other email accounts such as those used by the bookkeeper, finance officer, and IT Services are considered Non-Essential


As of 2023 all computers operate on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro. Windows "Home" versions are not intended for use in a business environment and will not be supported by IT Services when the last one is replaced. Windows 365 is installed on each computer.



1. Branch communications tools include -


File backups are currently accomplished with robocopy commands in batch files running nightly on all three office computers and the system computer through the Windows Task Scheduler.


IT Services & Information Management volunteers will manage -

Configurations specific to user accounts will be managed by the account holder (e.g. browser settings, bookmarks, etc)


Disaster recovery planning is an ongoing process and what is valid today may not be valid tomorrow. 

Branch IT Services 11 April 2024