Hematology / Oncology

Transfusions/Blood Products


TAXI Guidelines





Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)



Oncologic Emergencies

Tumor Lysis Syndrome




Mediastinal Mass

Coagulation / Anticoagulation

The Clotting Cascade 

Clot Formation

New convention: Instead of calling them "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" pathways, we now refer to the coagulation cascade as "Contact activation" and "Tissue factor" pathways.

Contact activation: contact with foreign, negatively charged substances, activates factor XII, XI, prekallikrein (PK), and high-molecular-weight kininogen (HK) to initiate response. Also initiates inflammatory response with release of bradykinin (From HK)

TF pathway: injury to blood vessels induces factor VII activation, factor VII extravasates out of circulation into the tissues, causes release of factor III (TF) from damaged cells. Forms TF-VIIa complex which activates X.

Fibrinolysis: plasminogen binds to lysine on partially lysed fibrin, then plasminogen is cleaved to plasmin by t-PA. Plasmin is a serine protease that cuts fibrin strands. The degradation products are D-dimers

For a clot to form, coagulation factors must be activated, initiate a cascade of events to cleave prothrombin to thrombin (factor II --> to IIa) using activated factor X, which then cleaves Fibrinogen to Fibrin (factor I --> Ia) and then factor XIII promotes fibrin cross linking. This attracts platelets to solidify the clot.  


Factor X inhibitors:

Vitamin K dependent antagonists (VKA)

Direct Thrombin Inhibitors

Antiplatelet drugs

* these work by causing inhibition of platelet aggregation 

Overview of Platelet aggregation 

From First Aid for the USMLE 2017, Tao Le etal 



Thromboelastography (TEG)

ICU One Pager Summary of TEG