Work Experience

Machine Learning and Computational Biology Research Fellow:

  • Responsible for developing machine-learning algorithms and bioinformatics/database systems that automatically link the various phenotypes and genotypes to correctly determine the pathogenic nature of queried bacterial cells.
  • Developing transfer learning methods to connect genomic data between human cell lines and Patient-DerivedXenograft (PDX) models to improve anti-cancer drug sensitivity prediction.

Research Assistant:

  • Responsible for the carrying out different simulation based researches in the Biomedical Integrated Devices and Systems (BIDS) lab in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
  • Completed projects from National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF) with high appraisal.
  • Collaborated with researchers from department of Mathematics and Statistics & Biological Science, while assisted fellow colleagues with their research, and motivated junior students to pursue research on computational biology and machine learning/artificial intelligence.

Graduate Student intern:

  • Completed a project entitled "Expanding a massive drug screen for Sarcomas to other Pediatric Cancers", where I have analyzed different databases such as NCBI, dbGap, EMBL, Champions, St Jude, TCGA, Xentech, Riken and more.
  • Developed Bioinformatics (NGS) analysis pipeline and performed analysis on solid tumor sequence data.


  • Planned and taught 3 courses related to basic engineering as well as mentored students with different topics, related to both academic and non-academic.