
  1. D. Bandara, L. Ellingson, R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "A Neighborhood Hypothesis Test for Investigating Agreement in Drug Sensitivity Profiles Between Pharmacogenomic Databases" Biometrics, in revision (Impact Factor 1.82).
  2. K. Matlock, R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Sstack : An R Package for Stacking with Applications to Scenarios Involving Sequential Addition of Samples and Features." Bioinformatics, accepted (Impact Factor 5.48).
  3. R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Functional Random Forests with applications in dose response predictions" Scientific Reports, accepted (Impact Factor 4.12).
  4. S.R. Dhruba, A. Rahman, R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Recursive Model for Dose-time Responses in Pharmacological Studies." BMC Bioinformatics, accepted (Impact Factor 2.21).
  5. R. Rahman, S.R. Dhruba, K. Matlock, C. De-niz, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Evaluating the consistency of large-scale pharmacogenomic studies" Briefing in Bioinformatics, published (Impact Factor 6.30).
  6. S.R. Dhruba, R. Rahman, K. Matlock, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Application of Transfer Learning for Cancer Drug Sensitivity Prediction" BMC Bioinformatics, 2018, 19 (Suppl 17) :497 (Impact Factor 2.48).
  7. J. Mayer, R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Sequential Feature Selection and Inference using Multivariate Random Forests" Bioinformatics, 34 (8), 1336-1344 (Impact Factor 7.30).
  8. R. Rahman, K. Matlock, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Heterogeneity Aware Random Forest for Drug Sensitivity Prediction",Scientific Reports, 7.1 (2017): 11347 (Impact Factor 4.25).
  9. 5. K. Matlock, C. De-Niz, R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Investigation of Model Stacking for Drug Sensitivity Prediction" BMC Bioinformatics, 19 (3), 71 (Impact Factor 2.48).
  10. R. Rahman, J. Otridge, R. Pal, "IntegratedMRF: Random Forest based framework for integrating prediction from different data types", Bioinformatics, 33.9 (2017): 1407-1410 (Impact Factor 7.30). [IntegratedMRF package]
  11. R. Rahman†, C. De-Niz†, X. Zhao, R. Pal, "Algorithms for Drug Sensitivity Prediction", Algorithms (MDPI), 2016, 9(4),77; doi: 10.3390/a9040077 (Impact Factor 1.44).
  12. R. Rahman, S. Haider, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "Design of Probabilistic Random Forests with Applications to Anticancer Drug Sensitivity Prediction", Cancer informatics, 14(Suppl 5)-2015, 57 (Impact Factor 1.62).
  13. S. Haider, R. Rahman, S. Ghosh, R. Pal, "A copula based approach for design of multivariate random forests for drug sensitivity prediction", PloS one, 10(12)-2015, e0144490 (Impact Factor 3.28).