Do we seriously think this opposition, led by elected lawyer benchers, is not fundamentally protectionist? Would a board of directors chosen from outside the profession really believe such bans serve the public interest?

Benchers had a chance to prove they can put aside protectionism when the issue of paralegal family practice was decided last year. They chose to allow only a very narrow scope. This despite the overwhelming access to justice problems in family law and near unanimity among government, experts, and LSO staff that it is time to loosen up. This was an important test, and self-regulatory governance seems to have failed.

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A teacher enters a classroom from front door while a student from back door. There are 13 equidistant rows of benches in the classroom. The teacher releases N2O, the laughing gas, from the first bench while the student releases the tear gas (C10H5ClN2) from the last bench. At which row will the students starts laughing and weeping simultaneously

In some legislative assemblies, sitting at the back of the chamber is not necessarily associated with having a minor role. In Switzerland, senior figures sit in the back rows in order to have a better overview and be closer to the doors for discussions outside the plenary. In Germany, the party leaders sit in the front row, but there are no designated places for other senior figures. The term backbenchers ("Hinterbnkler") therefore refers to largely unknown MPs without much influence, regardless of where they sit. Originally, the importance of the front rows for the leaders had also to do with the fact that acoustics were often unsatisfactory before microphones were introduced. Prominent or iconic political figures can also play a backbench role, as the case of Aung San Suu Kyi illustrates: the leader of Myanmar's opposition to military rule was first elected MP in 2012 but proved only marginally involved in legislative business.[4]

The most important backbench role is that of a constituency representative; constituents rely heavily on their MPs to represent them in parliament and make sure their concerns are heard, whether or not they voted for the MP representing them. Constituents may email and meet their MPs, raising the issues and concerns they want the government to hear.[6] Backbenchers have an important opportunity to raise their constituents concerns directly to the prime minister in Prime Minister's Questions.

Backbenchers also have an unofficial agenda-setting power, with Opposition Day debates, private member's bills, and Prime Minister's Questions available to place items on the parliamentary agenda which are awkward for the government. The Wright Committee reforms introduced in the UK provided backbenchers with much more power in committees, giving Parliament greater control of its agenda, and increasing backbench membership in committees vastly.[7]

Additionally, the Commons Backbench Business Committee was created in 2010 with cross-party support. It debates matters unlikely to be debated in government time, with each decision voted upon formally. By the end of 2010 coalition government it had undergone 300 debates, ranging from prisoner voting rights to the Hillsborough disaster.[8] Furthermore, they have influence as discussed above when they are a member of a committee, these committees provide a perfect opportunity for backbenchers to have their voices heard in the legislative process. It usually proves difficult for backbenchers to be involved and have direct input in the legislative process when they are not involved in these activities.

First of all, it is mostly seen that such toppers are bookworms whose whole world revolves around books in order to attain highest marks. In order to achieve the highest marks, they stay away from the joy of life, they do not communicate with others so that their time should not be wasted. Now these methods surely make them concentrate deeply on their preparation and these toppers earn good marks but they succeed up to that level only where such bookish knowledge can fetch good marks to them but in real world, they need much more than that which back benchers achieve in their mischievous lifestyle that too inadvertently. Here the difference is necessary to be understood that being a careful student is not bad but being mad and addicted to books only while neglecting other innovative resources of knowledge will someday draw a finishing line from where toppers get into the dilemma of what to do and what not to do.

Back benchers always seek knowledge in joyful manner instead of making it a burden in head as a topper always mugs up the course and back bencher uses smart tricks. Such as instead of mugging up a back bencher will opt e- learning technique like mobile teacher app. Through this mobile teacher app, he can even complete his assignments and can learn the course topic more easily than that of a book. A back bencher develops strong communication skills through which he keeps on learning new and innovative ways of study from other good students, whereas toppers live in their wonderland that their study methodology is the best then why to adopt something new. This keeps on degrading their skills to learn. Having connection with all types of students and using the same creativity which back benchers use in mischief, they develop solid problem-solving skills which help them solve all kinds of problems related to their profession and career and gradually they achieve more than they or anybody had expected from them.

JEAN CHRTIEN once joked that he'd like to be a back-bencher under Paul MARTIN, because Martin was promising that back-benchers would get all the power - and because Martin had offered CABINET jobs to so many MPs, there'd be no other ordinary MPs for Chrtien to share the power with. If Chrtien remembered that line last week, he must have chuckled.

Martin managed to find a bigger cabinet in a smaller caucus than he did when he first landed the top job last December. Thirty-eight ministers were sworn in on July 20. Then news came that cabinet veteran Ethel Blondin-Andrew had survived a post-election recount in her riding and she was promptly added to the list, for a total of 39 ministers. Add 28 parliamentary secretaries and the new caucus whip, Karen Redman, and more than half of the 135-member Liberal caucus are ministers, ministers' helpers or parliamentary officers.

He moved decisively, bringing in a handful of rookies, including two British Columbians to reflect his long-standing belief that Western Canadians should have more clout in government. Ujjal Dosanjh, the former NDP premier whose government got thumped by Gordon Campbell's Liberals in the last election, is the new health minister. David Emerson, a forest-industry executive, was handed the sprawling industry portfolio. And Toronto's Ken DRYDEN, the legendary Montreal Canadiens goalie, will exhaust pundits' supply of stickhandling metaphors in his role as the new minister of social development.

The committee waived the payment and stuck the waiver deep into the city budget. The city's contract with the union declares explicitly that the union would pay back the money. But the waiver, which almost no one saw, negated the debt. And it wasn't any council back-benchers doing the payment waiving, either. The council committee at the time included then-Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and current Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Just as in Phoenix, the LA public-sector unions are extremely active at campaigning for their preferred council members. As reported by KPCC, the police union had paid out $3 million to council candidates between 2011 and 2014. Its support had gone to 13 of the 15 sitting council members last year. be457b7860

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