Rayssa Caju's homepage


I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematical Engineering at the University of Chile and Associate Research at the Center for Mathematical Modeling.

Before, I was Chair of Excellence for Young Researchers CMM-CNRS, at the Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CNRS IRL2807), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile from 2022 to 2023.

Before that I was a Post-doc at the Federal University of Paraíba and a visitor of the Geometric analysis group at the University of Chicago. I completed my P.hD at Federal University of Paraíba in 2018, under the supervision of  João Marcos Bezerra do Ó  and cosupervision of Fernando Codá Marques. I was also Visiting Student Research Collaborator in 2017-2018 at Princeton University under the supervision of Fernando Codá Marques.

My main interests are in Geometric Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, particularly in problems from conformal geometry and minimal surfaces/Allen-Cahn equation.


with T. Cruz and A. Silva Santos.


with J. Ratzkin and A. Silva Santos.

with J.H. Andrade, J.M do O, J. Ratzkin and A. Silva Santos.

with João Marcos do O and Almir Silva Santos

with Pedro Gaspar, Marco A.M. Guaraco, and Henrik Matthiesen

with Pedro Gaspar

with João Marcos do O and Almir Silva Santos


