
Activity "My future of finance" trought students eyes

Activity "Exchange Bazaar"

Did you know that before the advent of money, barter was used in which people exchanged goods? See the exchange of goods of our students at the My future of finance activity as part of the Raising Youth Generation Drought Financial Literacy project!

My future of finance 

The second activity successfully held within the RaY.GeT.FiL project


Between May 12, 2024 and May 17, 2024, the second activity was held in Istanbul, Turkey as part of the Raising youth generation throught financial literacy project.


The goals of the activity called My future of finance were:

• to learn how technological tools and spaces provide creative opportunities for business activities, interact socially, where and how to wisely earn, spend, and save money,

• to make decisions with economic significance in modern and future European societies

• to improve understanding of financial concepts and products, build financial skills and competences

• to strengthen their confidence and self-esteem in their financial skills

• to increase digital competence and raise awareness of financial literacy needs.

The was held at the Tuzla Ugur Anatolian Highschool, and besides this school, the hosts were also representatives of the Mehmet Emin Resulzade Anadolu Lisesi school.

The following participants took part in the mobility:

• First School of Economics - Zagreb, Croatia - teachers: Zorica Hrgovčić, Romana Rusek; students: Karla Macinković and Nina Čulina.

• 1 Epal Agrinio, Agrinio, Greece - teachers: Simou Theodora, Touska Aikaterini; students: Antilai Mariano, Ntemos Timoleon

• Tuzla Uğur Anatolian High School, - Istanbul, Turkey - teachers: Gülistan Özdemir, Münevver Akpınar and Özgür Çaycı; students: Necdet Özbilen and Ekrem Tekin

• Mehmet Emin Resulzade Anadolu Lisesi - Ankara, Turkey - teachers: Figen Erdoğan, Meryem Atıcı; students: Ecem Serap, Azra Yeniyayla

• Escola Profissional de Campanhã – Porto, Portugal – teachers Miguel Silva, Andreia Alves; students: Rita Saraiva, Bianca Barauna.

On the first day of the activity, May 13, 2024, a ceremonial opening of the activity was held, and participants were warmly welcomed by the director Özgür Çaycı and the project coordinators Gülistan Özdemir and Münevver Akpınar. The students held a festive program in which they presented the upcoming activities, and the project coordinator Zorica Hrgovčić presented a short section of the plan of project activities. Then the students presented the country, city and school they come from. After the ceremonial part, the participants visited the Office of the Director of National Education, where they were welcomed by Mr. Metin Çangir and the Tuzla District Governor, Mr. Hüseyin Güney.


On the second day of the activity, the students worked hard in international teams and participated in the workshop of creating audio and video dictionaries and presented them in front of the other participants. On the same day, a visit was held to the company Tunanet, whose main activity is the production and sale of fishing nets, where we were hosted by the owner, Uğur Özbilen.


On May 15, 2024, students and teachers visited the cultural landmarks of Istanbul, Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Hypodrome Square and Grand Bazaar.

On the last day of the activity, the students presented the jobs of the future at the Future Jobs Parade held a Exchange Bazaar. Our hosts also presented the cultural customs of their country and held a Henna night, that is, a traditional party held for brides before the wedding ceremony, in which all the participants of the activity participated and had a great time. After that, certificates of participation were distributed to the participants and a festive dinner was held, which concluded this activity. All partners agreed that the mobility was well organized and that, in addition to the project's set results, a great connection between the partners was achieved. Many thanks to the hosts, director Özgür Çaycı and project members Gülistan Özdemir and Münevver Akpınar, for a job well done.


** The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held  responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Basic Financial Terms

In the period from September 24 - 29, 2023, as part of the project Rising Youth Generation Throught Financial literacy, the first activity called Basic Financial Terms was held. The activity took place at Escola Profissional de Campanhã in Porto, Portugal.

Students created: booklet about financial terms, domino online game, project website and blog, flipping book about actual expenses.


Teachers and students of our school chose the official logo of our project. The winning logo comes from Mehmet Emin Resulzade Anadolu Lisesi, Ankara Turkey!


Amoung 15 logos, 3 from each partner school, we have selected three potential logos of our project. Take a look at the results of this contest.

Erasmus Logo Results (2).pdf



Mehmet Emin Resulzade Anadolu Lisesi, Ankara, Turkey