As you can see, swimming around the fort is an impossibility at low tide, so I looked up the tide tables and found that for this weekend high-tide was roughly around 7PM and 7AM each day, and low-tide around 1PM/1AM. Given I had no desire to wake up at 7AM on our vacation, I went with 7PM instead.

While The Girl was packing up my little bag (I would finish elsewhere, so I wanted my stuff with me), I got some of my test watches ready. In this case, I was mostly testing out the Bryton Cardio 60 multisport watch for its openwater swim capabilities.

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However, because I was testing that, I figured I might as well also get some more data on the Suunto Ambit2 in openwater mode. And, since I had that, I might as well see how the Garmin FR910XT compares.

I pretty much just aimed for the fort and kept on sighting my way there. And sorry for the blurry photos, apparently my photography skills this day lacked the finesse of the day when I got that awesome shot mid-way through the swim at Alcatraz.

It was roughly there that I noticed this brick wall underwater. As you can see, the water is actually fairly clear (clearer than my camera makes it look). In fact, during the entire swim I could easily see the bottom. In some cases only 6-10 feet below, and in other cases 20-30 feet down.

Once I cleared a bit of a sandbank, I was back in business cruising along. I had put up a camera on our balcony to take a timelapse of my swim. Because of the sun setting though, everything ended up a bit darker. But, you can very clearly see the orange buoy behind me as I cut across the frame:

At this point I was just keeping along the shore. Though, in order to be in deep enough water I had to be out quite a ways from the wall, perhaps a hundred yards or so. And even then, over just the course of my 40 minute swim the tides went out quite a bit.

Unfortunately, it was just after a storm system swept through and I got out a ways but the swells were pretty ugly mid-way through the channel (small Zodiac boats were actually catching enough air off the waves to leave the water), pretty significantly reducing my speed and making what would have been a 35 minute swim look closer to about an hour or so, ignoring the tides that would have been going out then (which would have made it even longer). So, I simply decided to play it safe and head back in.

We found the same on the running side, I was lucky in that all my running workouts were shorter bike/run bricks, so I was able to mostly keep on the main strip doing large loops without it being to bothersome. But a long 20-mile or 30K run would have been more challenging.

Hi Ray,

I know there will be an update soon for the Bryton 60 that will enable it to record indoor swimming. Will keep you posted.

Your reviews are fantastic, love the fact you are doing it all, run, swim and ride, the only way to properly get to know any product.

Love your work.

I always have mixed feelings when I see a watch battle with garmin 910xt. as a 910 owner Im usually happy wathing the 910 beat its rivals, but then I think garmin wont release a good update (as you saw at their home).

Did you use the same set up for data collection on the second swim? If so how did the distances compare. I am a owner of the garmin 910xt and was a bit disappointed to see that the Bryon was more accurate on day 1 swim. Just wondering if the second day swim had similar results or not.

Fyi, I found out that Bryton use ublox, Garmin use sirf star III, and the BH625 XT using sirf star IV.

Per Bryton, BH625XT is most accurate than ublox and Garmin sirf star III, you may take a look.

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Am throwing caution to the wind and have begun planning a notional trip to France in Oct/Nov 2021. Whether my good judgement and common sense are going out the window as well remains to be seen ... ie am not booking anything that can't be cancelled without penalty. 

Am tentatively planning 3 or 4 nights in the vicinity of Dinan or St Malo - intending to use one as a base for exploring the coast of Brittany and Mont St Michel before heading on to Bayeux for a week to explore the D-Day sites. We'll have just come from 5-7 days in the Loire Valley. 

Question is: which would be the better choice as a strategic location for a few days? After a cursory look I'm leaning towards Dinan - looks like a charming little place for evening strolls once the day's touring is done but am open to other suggestions at this point.

We generally favor self-catering accommodations but for short stays such as this one we're open to hotels or B&B's if anyone has a favorite to recommend. Tx.

The other places you want to see will be a factor in terms of practicality. At the time of my summer 2017 trip, St.-Malo was more touristy, so much so that it bugged me. On the other hand, I think others have found more actual sights to see in St-Malo, and walking a wall is always fun. I have no idea what parking/driving conditions are like in either place. Other towns in that area I enjoyed include Dinard (across the river from St-Malo), Rennes (larger), Vitre and Fougeres.

In case it's of interest: There's a relatively new museum in Falaise (south of Caen) that focuses on the war's impact on civilians. It includes a lot of coverage of the Resistance. The museum is very modern and English-accessible. Falaise itself looked as if it had been totally obliterated during the war and rebuilt in modern style. I didn't go looking for sites related to the Falaise Pocket, but there may be something there.

We spent 4 nights in an apartment near the beach side wall in St. Malo a few years ago in May. It was off season and while the wonderful small restaurants were open, there were not huge crowds. Snapshots here:


We were using public transport only and I took the bus to Dinan for an afternoon and we walked to St-Servan. St. Malo right on the sea, with the amazing shifts in tides and the ability to walk out to the offshore islands at low tide was amazing. I would definitely choose it. The dining is also excellent; do your homework on that and reserve ahead as these tiny independent restaurants fill up even off season and the touristy restaurants on the landside wall are fairly mediocre.

We did a last day side trip and night at Carnac to see the neolithic sites there -- also an amazing day. There are snapshots of that on the same photo journal site as the link above. This is a beautiful part of the world. I found Dinan less interesting than St. Malo but you are going to be fine either way.

I just posted a comment on the "Small Expectations - Big Surprises" topic about a fascinating WW2 site near Saint-Malo. We stayed in Saint-Malo after a trip that included Reims (Surrender Museum), Bastogne, and Bayeux. In September 2019, S-M didn't feel all that touristy, and we enjoyed walking around the immediate area so much that we never made it to Dinan.

I thought watching the tide change at Saint-Malo was fascinating. Really, to see the 3 small islets surrounded by water and then being able to walk out to them at low tide was amazing. As others mentioned, the wall walk was excellent. The good thing about staying in Saint-Malo is you will have time to work around the tides to see the 3 islets.

I was on a Road Scholar tour and stayed in Hotel Oceania Saint-Malo. It was very nice, had a lovely breakfast but the best part was the location. Although it was just outside the city wall it was beachfront with a great view of the water from the breakfast room. It's not normally what I would choose but I would go back there for the location.

The tide and how they manage it is a sight to behold. We walked to Sainte-Servan at low tide and it was cool to see the way they have the boats resting on outriggers and keel at low tide:


There is a power station at the mouth of the Rance that harnasses the power of these enormous tides. I have never been anywhere where the tidal range is so great. And of course it is fun to walk out to the islands off St. Malo when the tide is low and for summer swimming there is an enormous swimming pool structure on the beach to capture the water at high tide so people have plenty of room to swim and dive at low tide.

We stayed in a hotel Dinan and used it as a base. If I was doing it again or repeat in the future, I'd choose Dinan again. Parking is plentiful on lots adjoining the town. To me St Malo was a nice place to visit for a few hours, but I wouldn't want to use it as a base during busier times of the year (Oct/Nov might be ok). In Dinan we were able to go out and come back during the day, parking might be harder to come by if you are staying in St Malo. Dinan gets very quiet at nite (we were there in Sept) as the day-trippers leave but there were enough restaurants to have a variety to choose from.

St Malo! When i can travel that is all we have on our list, go to St Malo. It a perfect weekend get away from Guernsey, a beautiful town, great beaches and sea swimming, walking, buses are easy and the crepes and cider are delicious. Nothing wrong with Dinan but really love St Malo

I'd recommend Dinard, across the Rance estruary from St. Malo. I liked visiting St. Malo, but it felt a little like Disneyland, parking well outside the reconstructed historical core (as most do since closer lots often are full) and taking the little shuttle bus to the area within the ramparts. Also, traffic in St. Malo can be a real headache, as can the numerous tourists, though that should be less of a problem for you in November.

You travel between Dinard and St. Malo by driving across a dam that contains one of the world's largest tidal power generation facilities (Usine marmotrice de la Rance), which takes advantage of the remarkable tidal amplitude experienced in the area (ranging from a mean of 8 meters to a maximum in the area of almost 14 meters). . 152ee80cbc

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