This is a calendar of events around self-care and resiliency. Some of them may be hosted by us, but we will also be adding events held by organizations across the world.
This is a calendar of events around self-care and resiliency. Some of them may be hosted by us, but we will also be adding events held by organizations across the world.
If you'd like to host an event with us or have your event published on our Google Calendar, please contact us at rated.resilient [at]
Upcoming events
Upcoming events
Hosted by Rated R
No current upcoming events
Past Events
Past Events
Hosted by Rated R
Click link to access slides
Selfcare Sunday - June 7th 2020
Selfcare Sunday- July 5th 2020
Digital Wellness x Social Media Resiliency with Saiyak Rakeeb - July 16th 2020
Self Care Sunday- 16 August 2020 RSVP
Rated R at The Diana Initiative