Making use of state-of-the-art, patented technologies, MelaWood® SupaGloss™ gives you a high-end, desirable and hard-wearing gloss decorative finish.

How it’s made

Hot coated polyurethane (PUR) is applied to MelaWood® with a SupaWood® core and then cured using ultraviolet (UV) light, producing a durable, high gloss surface with good wear and scratch resistance.

This technology also gives MelaWood® SupaGloss™ its consistent stability and visual depth. You can work in confidence knowing your finished product will look superb.

Locally manufactured by PG Bison, to international standards, MelaWood® SupaGloss™ gives you the assurance of a dependable, readily available product, consistent in colour and surface finish. You never have to worry about one batch of board not matching the next or the possibility of discolouration.

With matching décor in a PEEN finish on the reverse side, MelaWood® SupaGloss™ is supplied with a protective film to shield the gloss face during handling and processing, so your finished product can arrive on site looking as good as you intended.