PG Bison’s premium quality, interior grade BisonBord® serves a wide variety of purposes across homes, offices and retail spaces. BisonBord is available as E1 (Class 1) or E2 (Class 2)*.

Particleboard (also known as chipboard) manufacturing was once a simple way of utilising wood waste, but now it’s a highly sophisticated technology, with careful selection of raw materials, detailed wood particle preparation and a scientific application of additives and binders. The results are a uniform, high-quality board that is extremely versatile and affordable.

How it’s made

To make BisonBord®, wood chips are refined, dried and classified by size into coarse and fine wood particles. These are then lightly coated with a precise amount of resin and formed in a three-layer mat, before being pressed together into panels of specific thickness and density, using heat and pressure.

Using BisonBord®

BisonBord® can be used in its raw state, but is mostly used as a substrate for decorative products. Its smooth surface is ideal for upgrading with melamine-impregnated décor or high-pressure laminates, and is used extensively in kitchens, built-in cupboards, domestic and office furniture and shopfitting.

Affordability paired with suitability makes BisonBord® the go-to product for a whole host of projects.