Rare Earth Outreach aims to host events and programs that spark conversations and build relationships with individuals passionate about improving Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity within the Photographic Arts Community.
Whether you're looking for a professional development and skills workshop, a guest speaker for your event, people to connect with, or just want to participate in our competitions, we are packing our inaugural year with interesting speakers, fun workshops, great challenges, and a network of passionate professionals to deliver programming that will educate, challenge, enlighten, and inspire you. Click on the images below to discover more, or scroll past them for a brief written summaries.
School and Community Outreach Camps and Programs
Photo Cred: Kenny Eliason via Unsplash
Annual Spring Professional Development Retreat
Photo Cred: Zach Reiner via Unsplash
EDI Webinars, Workshops, and Courses
Photo Cred: Gerd Altman via Pixabay
Photography Webinars, Workshops, and Courses
Photo Cred: Adam Hamel via Unsplash
Annual Elimination- Style Photography Competition
Photo Cred: Chuttersnap via Unsplash
Comfortable Spaces for Uncomfortable Conversations
Photo Cred: Tim Mossholder via Unsplash
Upcoming Rare Earth Outreach Programs and Events
Monthly 50/50 Calendar Competition (suspended)
The Shooting Range: A Photography Competition, our flagship event, piloted a Monthly 50/50 version of the competition in efforts to create a dedicated source of revenue earmarked for building up the Foundation's Scholarship and Awards Fund and offsetting operating costs. This scaled-back pilot of the competition brought a modest return and has been tabled while we pilot other programs.
Uncomfortable Conversations (under development)
Rare Earth Outreach hopes to host informal monthly chats with individuals who participate in or are associated with the Photographic Arts Community. Our first Uncomfortable conversation covered the topic of how Sex Work is Work and while we look forward to focussing more efforts on these talks, our current focus is on the School and Camp programs.
School Outreach Program (pilot - 2024/2025)
Using technology donated through the Retired Equipment program, Rare Earth Community Outreach Facilitators will begin presenting in-school photography workshops in Division 2 (grades 4-6), Junior, and Senior High classrooms. These workshops are designed to encourage and empower students in marginalised groups through a 3-5 day age-appropriate storytelling challenge.
School Outreach Program pilot (2025 and beyond)
A second stream of workshops will be developed in Year Three bringing the flip side of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity education and awareness into Junior and Senior High Schools through media awareness and unconscious bias workshops using photographic arts as the primary tool.
Teachers' Conventions (various locations across Canada, February/March 2023-2024)
Invite a Representative from Rare Earth Outreach to present at your local Teachers' Convention! Geared towards junior and senior high school students, our workshops are fun and inspirational while our classroom enrichment materials provide educators with tools and information that enhance media and visual arts, food and fashion, and classes by exploring the important relationship between visual storytelling, social awareness, and personal narratives. Please contact us for more information.
The Shooting Range: A Photography Challenge (January 2025)
Our flagship event, The Shooting Range: A Photography Challenge is a unique opportunity for individuals interested in winning cash and prizes while receiving mentorship from some of Canada's foremost experts in the Photographic Arts and related Industries. Visit www.theshootingrange.ca to check out our past events and see what you'd be signing up for!
Professional Development Workshops (TBD)
From hair and make-up tips, to posing and portraiture, to lighting and post-processing techniques, to better marketing and promotion, and more, our Professional Development Workshops help photographers learn specific and detailed skills that extend beyond the basics.
Retreat and Symposium
Unlike the Annual Symposium, the Rare Earth Spring Retreat is participant-driven, with a weekend of activities that feel more like an adult play date than a stuffy conference. The Spring Retreat provides participants with the opportunity to plan their own workshops, activities, and conversation in a safe and supportive environment.
REPAOF Annual General Meeting (June 2024)
The Board of Directors (Class A Voting Members) meets each year in April for its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Non-voting members are welcome and encouraged to attend whenever possible.
Photography Day Camps for Youth (Spring Break and Summer)
Still in the early planning stages, Rare Earth Outreach camps are intended to provide students from K-12 with opportunities for students to learn photography skills, learn about EDI, and (of course) have tonnes of fun! We need cameras donated to make these workshops a possibility so please visit the Re-Usable Equipment page and send us your used but working digital cameras!
Scholarships and Awards (Autumn/Winter 2025)
Once adequate funds have been raised, complete details on Award Nominations and Scholarship Applications will be released. The Deadline for applications and nominations will be August 31 and funding paid out in November 2023. Please consider entering the 50/50 Competitions, becoming a Member, or making a tax-deductible cash donation to support Rare Earth Outreach's Awards and Scholarships program.