
Publications in Refereed Journals   

How to Design the Ask? Funding Units vs. Giving Money (with J. Diederich and T. Goeschl)
Management Science, forthcoming.

Subsidizing Unit Donations: Matches, Rebates, and Discounts Compared (with J. Diederich, C. C. Eckel, T. Goeschl, and P. J. Grossman)
Experimental Economics, 2022, 25, pp. 734–758.

Matching Subsidies and Voluntary Contributions: A Review (with C. Reif)
Journal of Economic Surveys, 2019, 33(5), pp. 1578–1601.

Working Papers

Willful Ignorance and Moral Behavior (with A. Gerster) [new version]
SSRN Working Paper. Replaces "Information Avoidance and Moral Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Food Choices"

Does Lobbying Discourage Individuals from Fighting Climate Change?
SSRN Working Paper.

Targeted Information and Sustainable Consumption: A Field Experiment (with L. Balafoutas and E. Blanco)

Selected Work in Progress

Incentivizing Long-Term Giving: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment
Status: Manuscript in preparation. Type: Field experiment.

Mental Accounting of Sunk Costs: Evidence from Exercising (with W. Habla and M. Wibral)
Status: Data collection ongoing. Type: Field experiment.

Fraud and Motivated Reasoning in Competition (with J. Stäbler)
Status: Data collection ongoing. Type: Online experiment.

Other Publications

Wie der Einfluss von Lobbyismus auf die Politik in Deutschland und der EU wahrgenommen wird (with W. Habla and U. Wagner)
ZEW expert brief 19-04. ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research: Mannheim.