

4 September 2023, 6-7 pm, GALATA HALL 

(In parallel to Poster session 1)

Student Research Workshop Oral Presentations

6.00-6.20pm Controllable Active-Passive Voice Generation using Prefix Tuning

Valentin Knappich and Timo Pierre Schrader

6.20-6.40pm Detecting ChatGPT: A Survey of the State of Detecting ChatGPT-Generated Text

Mahdi Dhaini, Wessel Poelman and Ege Erdogan

6.40-7.00pm Unsupervised Calibration through Prior Adaptation for Text Classification using Large Language Models

Lautaro Estienne

6 September 2023, 4.45-5.45pm

Poster session 2 

Posters from the student workshop

Evaluating hallucinations in large language models for Bulgarian language

Melania Berbatova and Yoan Salambashev

Probing ChatGPT to Draw Morphological Connections for New Word Comprehension

Bianca-Madalina Zgreaban and Rishabh Suresh

Remote presentations 

These are available on a devoted shared space accessible by all RANLP participants during the conference days.

Remote talks

Trigger Warnings: A computational approach to Understanding user-tagged trigger warnings

Sarthak Tyagi, Adwita Arora, Krish Chopra and Manan Suri

Age-Specific Linguistic Features of Depression via Social Media

Charlotte Rosario

Remote posters

Leveraging Probabilistic Graph Models in Nested Named Entity Recognition for Polish

Jędrzej Jamnicki

Exploring Low-resource Neural Machine Translation for Sinhala-Tamil Language Pair Exploring Low-resource Neural Machine Translation for Sinhala-Tamil Language Pair

Ashmari Pramodya

Crowdsourcing veridicality annotations in Spanish: Can speakers actually agree?

Teresa Martín Soeder

Weakly supervised learning for aspect based sentiment analysis of Urdu Tweets

Zoya Maqsood