Call for Papers


The International Conference RANLP 2023 ( would like to invite students at all levels (undergraduate, Master-, and PhD-students) to present their ongoing or completed work at the Student Research Workshop (


We invite two types of student submissions:

All papers must be submitted in .pdf format through the START system ( . The papers should follow the format of the main conference, described at the RANLP website (, Submissions page

All papers must have only student authors. Submissions with non-student authors will not be considered for review. After eventual acceptance of the paper, the authors could add their supervisor(s) in the Acknowledgments Section. The submissions must specify the student’s level (Bachelor-, Master-, or PhD) and the type of submission (Full or Short).

Double submission Authors may submit the same paper at several conferences. In this case, they must notify the organizers by filling in the corresponding information in the submission form, as well as notifying the contact organizer by email.


The aim of this workshop is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between young researchers by providing an excellent opportunity to present and discuss their work and to receive mentorship and valuable feedback from an international research community. The research to be presented can come from any topic within Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Linguistics, including but not limited to the following:

All accepted papers will be presented at the Student Workshop sessions (oral or poster) during the main conference days: 4-6 September 2023. The articles will be issued in a special Student Session proceedings and uploaded to the ACL Anthology.


Submission deadline: 03 July 2023

Acceptance notification: 04 August 2023

Camera-ready deadline: 20 August 2023

Workshop: 4 - 6 September 2023

All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("anywhere on Earth")