
Working Papers

Global Value Chains and International Risk Sharing (with Giancarlo Corsetti, Lucio D'Aguanno, Aydan Dogan and Simon Lloyd) CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 18558, October 2023 

Global R* (with Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi and Richard Harrison) CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 18518, October 2023 

Aggregation Across Each Nation: Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics (with Noëmie Lisack and Simon Lloyd) Bank of England Staff Working Paper, No. 982, May 2022


Population Ageing and the Macroeconomy (with Noëmie Lisack and Gregory ThwaitesInternational Journal of Central Banking, Volume 17(2), pp 43-80, June 2021

Fiscal Rules and Structural Reforms (with Armin SteinbachInternational Review of Law and Economics, Volume 58, pp 34-42, June 2019

Fiscal Consequences of Structural Reform under Constrained Monetary Policy  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 93, pp 22-38, August 2018 

Fiscal Consolidation in a Low Inflation Environment: Pay Cuts versus Lost Jobs (with Guilherme Bandeira, Evi Pappa and Eugenia VellaInternational Journal of Central Banking, Volume 14(3), pp 7-52, June 2018

Why are Real Interest Rates So Low? The Role of the Relative Price of Investment Goods (with Gregory ThwaitesIMF Economic Review, Volume 64(4), pp 635-659, November 2016

Fiscal Consolidation with Tax Evasion and Corruption (with Evi Pappa and Eugenia Vella)  Journal of International Economics, Volume 96(S1), pp S56-S75, July 2015

Dormant Projects

The Macroeconomic Impact of Population Ageing in the Euro-area and Slovenia

Labour Market Asymmetries in a Monetary Union (with Guilherme Bandeira