Proclamations and Awards

UT-Battelle Awards Night - December 2, 2021

City of Oak Ridge Proclamation - June 14, 2021

WHEREAS, in November, 2017, a team of Robertsville Middle School students, educators and Oak Ridge scientists submitted a proposal to NASA for their Cube Satellite Launch Initiative (CSLI) in hopes of sending a student-designed nanosatellite named “RamSat” into space; and

WHEREAS, CSLI provides opportunities for small satellite payloads built by various schools and non-profit organizations to fly on upcoming launches as well as a low-cost pathway to conduct scientific investigations in space and hands-on development experiences; and

WHEREAS, in March, 2018 Robertsville Middle School became the first middle school to ever be selected by NASA for this impressive program; and

WHEREAS, the Robertsville Middle School proposal created student-driven STEM-based lessons addressing educational development needs relevant to NASA’s strategic goals; and

WHEREAS, the students’ targeted mission for their RamSat is to send a small camera and radio encased in a 2U nanosatellite that will relay data and images from space back to earth, and with this information, they will study reforestation patterns of vegetation lost in forest fires; and

WHEREAS, the Robertsville Middle School project is included on a prestigious list of organizations whose projects have been prioritized, including Cornell University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NASA’s Ames Research Center, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, University of California and AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation; and

WHEREAS, students designed, built and carried out a satellite mission; they are now recognized as mission scientists, communication specialists and logistics experts; they calculated orbits, learned to aim the satellite camera at selected targets, to radio their commands to RamSat and to receive and interpret digital data streams; and

WHEREAS, under the leadership of STEM instructor Todd Livesay, numerous officials from the Oak Ridge Schools, volunteers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Y-12 National Security Complex and the Oak Ridge community, and in partnership with the Marshall Space Flight Center, the RamSat project stands on the cutting edge of technology that could be utilized in various capacities by NASA in the years to come; and The satellite was successfully launched into space on June 3, 2021.

WHEREAS, the City is fortunate to have such outstanding young men and women participating in this project, along with their instructors and mentors, as part of the Oak Ridge community.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE: that the City congratulates the students at Robertsville Middle School for creation and launch of the amazing RamSat project, which will make a valuable contribution to the field of space technology and in the solving of complex problems facing our community.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Oak Ridge to be affixed, this the 14th day of June in the year 2021.

Warren L. Gooch, Mayor

City of Oak Ridge Proclamation - April 9, 2018

WHEREAS, in November, 2017, a team of Robertsville Middle School students, educators and Oak Ridge scientists submitted a proposal to NASA for their Cube Satellite Launch Initiative (CSLI) in hopes of sending a student-designed nanosatellite named "RamSat" into space; and

WHEREAS, CSI_I provides opportunities for small satellite payloads built by various schools and non-profit organizations to fly on upcoming launches as well as a low-cost pathway to conduct scientific investigations in Space and hands-on development experiences; and

WHEREAS, in March, 2018 Robertsville Middle School became the first middle school to ever be selected by NASA for this impressive program; and

WHEREAS, the Robertsville Middle School proposal created student-driven STEM-based lessons addressing educational development needs relevant to NASA's strategic goals; and the students' targeted mission for their RamSat is to send a small camera and radio encased in a 20 nanosatellite that will relay data and images from space back to earth, and with this information, they will study reforestation patterns Of vegetation lost in forest fires; and

WHEREAS, the Robertsville Middle School project is included on a prestigious list of organizations whose projects have been prioritized, including Cornell University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, NASA's Ames Research Center, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, University of California and AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation; and

WHEREAS, students will have a chance to design, build and carry out a satellite mission; they will be mission scientists, communication specialists and logistics experts; they will calculate orbits, learn to aim the satellite camera at selected targets, radio their commands to RamSat and receive and interpret digital data streams; and

WHEREAS, under the leadership Of STEM instructor Todd Livesay, numerous officials from the Oak Ridge Schools, volunteers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Y-12 National Security Complex and the Oak Ridge community, and in partnership with the Marshall Space Flight Center, the RamSat project stands on the cutting edge of technology that could be utilized in various capacities by NASA in the years to come; and

WHEREAS, the City is fortunate to have such outstanding young men and women participating in this project, along with their instructors and mentors, as part Of the Oak Ridge community.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OAK RIDGE: that the City congratulates the students at Robertsville Middle School for creation of the amazing RamSat project, which will make a valuable contribution to the field of space technology and in the solving of complex prob ems facing our community.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great seal of the City of Oak Ridge to be affixed, this the 9th day of April in the year 2018.

Warren Gooch, Mayor