
The above image is by Colin Behrens from Pixabay .

The RAMP VIS events are normally held via the zoom platform of the Scottish COVID-19 Response Consortium (SCRC).

Seminar at 3:00pm on Thursday 20 May 2021

Visual Analytics for Infection Contagion

Professor Tatiana von Landesberger, University of Cologne, Germany

Abstract. Disease spreading (also called infection contagion) is an acute problem. Corona pandemic is one example of the worldwide consequences of infection contagion. In addition to viruses, multi-resistant pathogens are an acute problem in hospitals. These pathogens are transmitted among patients. They are a threat for patients’ health and increase treatment costs. Infection control experts need to analyse how has disease spread, who was the initial patient, they need to identify potentially infected patients and predict how the disease could spread in the future. This talk will present visual analytics approaches to answer these questions. These approaches have been developed and evaluated in cooperation with infection control experts in a long-term project HiGHmed and recent COVID-19 project B-FAST.

Biography. Tatiana von Landesberger is a full professor of computer science – visualization at University of Cologne, Germany. Her research focuses on information visualization and visual analysis of networks and spatio-temporal data with applications in medicine, biology, finance and transportation. She has high number of publications at top-conferences and journals. Her work on visual analysis of disease spreading has been awarded at VIS 2020. She is full chair of EuroVis conference.