Radiation & Medical Intelligence Lab
2025 UNIST Commencement 🎉
Congratulations to Junghyun, Phillip, and Gwang-il on their master's degree graduation! 👏👏👏
Visit to Washington University in St. Louis, USA
2025.02.13 - 2025.02.15
Phillip has been accepted to the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science at Washington University in St. Louis, USA. Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉
Certificate of Reviewing
Prof. Lee received a certificate of reviewing from Journal of Radiation Protection and Research (JRPR).
Poster Presentation in NE230/BME280 Course (2)
In NE230/BME280 course (Introduction to AI in Medicine), each team made a poster together on a medical AI research topic they wanted to propose. In the final class, they presented their posters resembling an actual poster presentation in academic conferences.
Poster Presentation in NE230/BME280 Course (1)
In NE230/BME280 course (Introduction to AI in Medicine), each team made a poster together on a medical AI research topic they wanted to propose. In the final class, they presented their posters resembling an actual poster presentation in academic conferences.
RSNA 2024
2024.12.01. - 2024.12.05.
Phillip presented his research results in the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2024.
**Presentation Title: Extraction and Evaluation of Features of Preterm Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning with Human Guided Training
RAMI Group Photo (2)
RAMI Lab took group photos! 📸
RAMI Group Photo (1)
RAMI Lab took group photos! 📸
Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award
YongHun won the Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award to recognize the authors with the Highest Ranked Abstract from the Republic of Korea at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2024. Contrats! 🥳
AHA Scientific Sessions 2024
YongHun Lee presented his research results in the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2024.
**Presentation Title: Maximal Oxygen Uptake Prediction From Resting and Submaximal Variables of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing by Using Machine Learning Methods
Meeting with Researchers from University of Ljubljana
Medical AI researchers from the University of Ljubljana visited UNIST for a collaborative research meeting. They also toured the UNIST Smart Healthcare Center.
KSIIM Conference 2024
Phillip Chang presented his research results in the Korean Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (KSIIM) Conference 2024.
**Presentation Title: Feature Extraction of Preterm Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning
RAMI Group Photo
RAMI Lab took a group photo at UNIST while enjoying the sunny weather. 🌞🌞🌞
UNIST Nuclear Engineering Day (대가족모임)
UNIST Nuclear Engineering Day (department gathering) was held.
2024 KSN Spring Conference
The collaborative research conducted with Jeonbuk National University Hospital received the Best Poster Award at the Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Neonatology (KSN).
**Presentation Title: Extraction and Evaluation of Features of Preterm Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning with Human-Guided Training
2024 KNS Spring Conference
Gwang-il Jung presented his research results in the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) 2024 Spring Conference.
**Presentation Title: Deep Learning-based Beam Profile Restoration for Real-time Proton Beam Monitoring
2024 UNIST Commencement 🎉
Congratulations to Juhyeong and Jiyeon on their master's degree graduation! 👏👏👏 (+ Congratulations to the undergraduate interns on their bachelor's degree graduation!)
Poster Presentation in NE230/BME280 Course (2)
The NE230/BME280 course (Introduction to AI in Medicine) was designed for both UNIST and UUCM (University of Ulsan College of Medicine) students. Each team comprising both UNIST and UUCM students made a poster together on a medical AI research topic they wanted to propose. In the final class, they presented their posters resembling an actual poster presentation in academic conferences.
Poster Presentation in NE230/BME280 Course (1)
The NE230/BME280 course (Introduction to AI in Medicine) was designed for both UNIST and UUCM (University of Ulsan College of Medicine) students. Each team comprising both UNIST and UUCM students made a poster together on a medical AI research topic they wanted to propose. In the final class, they presented their posters resembling an actual poster presentation in academic conferences.
U-Challenge Festival
UNIST BTS 프로그램에 참가한 지관서가팀 (팀장: 장필립) 이 금상 (UNIST 총장상) 과 U-챌린저상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다! 🥳
KoSAIM 2023 (2)
Phillip Chang presented his research results in Korean Society of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (KoSAIM) 2023 Annual Meeting.
They won the best presentation award from KoSAIM 2023. Congrats! 🥳
KoSAIM 2023 (1)
Junghyun Roh presented her research results in Korean Society of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (KoSAIM) 2023 Annual Meeting.
KCR 2023
Juhyeong Ki and Jungmok Lee presented their research results in the 79th Korean Congress of Radiology (KCR 2023).
제 3회 원자력 혁신 및 창업 경진대회
라미랩 팀이 제 3회 원자력 혁신 및 창업 경진대회에서 장려상을 수상했습니다. 모두 축하합니다! 🥳 (상금 : 1,000,000원)
RAMI Group Photo
RAMI Lab took a group photo at UNIST while enjoying the sunny weather. 🌞🌞🌞
UNIST Nuclear Engineering Day (핵가족모임)
UNIST Nuclear Engineering Day (department gathering) was held.
RAMI Teacher's Day
RAMI Lab celebrated Teacher's Day by eating a cake together.
**(Prof. Lee) I always appreciate RAMI members' efforts. Thanks, everyone! 🌸🌸🌸
UNIST Imaging Group Seminar
UIG (UNIST Imaging Group) hold regular seminars once a month.
IFMIA 2023 (3)
2023.01.10. - 2023.01.11.
Prof.Lee, Yoonho, Kyuri, Juhyeong, Wonjin and Jungmok participated in IFMIA 2023.
IFMIA 2023 (2)
2023.01.10. - 2023.01.11.
Kyuri won the best presentation award from IFMIA 2023. Congrats, Kyuri! 🥳
IFMIA 2023 (1)
2023.01.10. - 2023.01.11.
Yoonho, Kyuri, Juhyeong, Wonjin and Jungmok presented their research results in the International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2023.