Radiation & Medical Intelligence Lab


Jimin Lee, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Department of Nuclear Engineering & Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, UNIST

Office  | Engineering Building IV (Bldg. 112), Rm. 501-14 [map]

Lab      | Engineering Building IV (Bldg. 112), Rm. 505, 508

Email   | jiminlee (at) unist.ac.kr

Phone | +82-52-217-2916

Academic Positions

2023.09. - present  | Affiliate Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Health Science and Technology, UNIST, Korea

2022.03. - present  | Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST, Korea

2022.02. - present  | Affiliate Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, UNIST, Korea

2021.03. - present  | Assistant Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, UNIST, Korea

2015.07. - 2015.12. | Research Intern, Department of Radiation Protection Services, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology 

                                       Organization (ANSTO), Australia


2015 - 2021 | Ph.D., Biomedical Radiation Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

2010 - 2015 | B.S., Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea

Research Interests

Deep Learning (AI) Application in Medical Domain | Computer Vision | Radiological Physics | Medical Imaging