COL872: Lattices in Computer Science

Course Instructor:                                                                        

Rajendra Kumar

410, Bharti Building


Course Timing: 

Lecture: Tuesday and Friday 2:00pm-3:30pm

Classroom: LH614

If you are interested in this course and are not able to register, please submit a student general request for pre-requisite waiver and also write an email to me.

Course Description:

This course will focus on the foundation of Lattice-based cryptography. Lattices are mathematical objects, and their study serves as a bridge between number theory and geometry. In the last two decades, lattices have garnered more attention due to their applications in Cryptography. Lattice-based cryptography is the most promising candidate for security against quantum computers, and very soon, it will be deployed all over the internet. To get more confidence on these cryptosystems, we need to understand the hardness of these lattice problems that underlie the security of lattice-based cryptography.

In this course, we plan to cover topics such as the mathematical properties of lattices, lattice reductions, algorithms and hardness of lattice problems, and lattice-based cryptographic schemes. We will also explore the underlying hardness assumptions and security proofs of lattice-based cryptography. Throughout the course, we will discuss recent results, open problems, and potential research directions.


Data Structures and Algorithms (COL 106 or equivalent) 

Discrete Mathematical Structures (COL 202 or MTL 180 or equivalent )

No background on cryptography is required.  

Course Outline:

We plan to cover the following topics:

Grading Policy:


Here are some courses offered on lattices and their applications: