Alf Hutchinson - Royal Marine Light Infantry

In 1994 Colin McKenzie traced one of the last living survivors of the Raid and visited him in an old folks home near Guildford

Alfred Hutchinson then approaching his 100th birthday was still lively and alert and gave a fascinating account of the Raid

Alfred describes the approach to the Mole and the boarding ladders destroyed by German gun fire

alfred_ladders 1.mp3

Alfred describes the Iris leaving the Mole and coming under intense German shell fire

alfred_on_mole 2.mp3

Alfred talks about Admiral Keyes addressing the troops on their return from Zeebrugge

alfred_dover 3.mp3

He was one of the detachment of Royal Marines who crossed to Zeebrugge onboard the ferry 'Iris'

Alfred is pictured above (far right) at the IWM with the last surviving WW1 members of the Royal Navy in 1996

Alfred Hutchinson's service record