
Video of Lord Trenchard's march-past

Friday January 1st 1943 at ~15.00.

Instructional Building Training Centres seen in background with main entrance far left.

Lord Trenchard speaking from dias: You've joined a service, which in my opinion is second to none. You've joined the Royal Air Force, and I've been privileged to go round most of the aerodromes in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, The Shetlands and the Orkneys and out in Africa, In Syria, and in Iraq, in Persia and in the Sudan, and all through the Middle east and in the desert. Wherever I've been, I've heard more and more praise of what the Royal Air Force Regiment is doing. Now finally, I'd like to say this; Believe me, the Royal Air Force Regiment has joined that great service that is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, and you must do your level best to keep up the reputation it has already gained.

Note that Trenchard refers in part to soldiers from army regiments who've joined the RAF, revealed by their shoulder flashes.

Trenchard first half color 1943 more contrast.mp4

The same video colorised, first half

Trenchard second half color 1943.mp4

& second half. (Deoldify)

R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) band leading a parade of detachment of the R.A.F. Regiment that will mount guard at Buckingham Palace for 48 hours. Various shots of the parade entering the gates of the palace. Royal Standard flying. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) watching the Coldstream Guard handing over duty to the R.A.F. Regiment. Changing the Guard ceremony, crowd watching. Air Chief Marshal, Sir Charles Portal and Sir Archibald Sinclair also watching (1943 BRITISH PATHÉ)