Module 1:
How do I apply to School?

By the end of this module, you will be able to...

Task #1: What can I do after high school?

After you graduate high school, the world is yours to do with as you please! However, all of those options can be overwhelming. 

Here's a quick video on what different options there are after high school. 

Task #2: How do I apply for college?

The first step in getting that sweet, sweet degree is to apply to a college! Watch this video to learn how to apply to a college.

Task #3: What's a transcript?

If you're unsure what a High School Transcript is, watch this quick video to learn more!

Task #4: What is a social security number (SSN)?

In order for you to apply to college, you'll need to know your Social Security Number, or SSN. What is a social security number, you say? Well, I'm so glad you asked. Let's learn. 

"A Social Security number (SSN) is a unique identifier issued by the Social Security Administration. You need an SSN to work, and it’s used to determine your eligibility for Social Security benefits and certain government services. Many financial institutions, such as banks and credit companies, also ask for your
number when you open an account."


In other words, a SSN is a way for the government and corporations in the United States to know that you are definitely you! By the way, that's why it's super important that you keep that number top secret. If someone malicious got ahold of your SSN, they could commit identity theft really easily!

So, do you know your Social Security Number? Before moving on, make sure you know your SSN, or at least have it written down somewhere secure, like in a locked box or in a cupboard in your house. If you don't know your SSN, ask your family members if they know it, or if they know where your social security card is. 

By the way, if you weren't born in the United States, you may have what's called an Alien Registration Number. This is another way for the government to prove your identity. Here's some more information on that:

Task #5: Assessment

How much did you learn? Take the Module One Assessment to find out!