Rafael A. Monteiro

Former Postdoctoral Researcher at the Mathematics for Advanced Materials - Open Innovation Laboratory (MathAm-OIL/AIMR-Tohoku Univ.), Japan

Former Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Minnesota, USA

Ph.D. in Mathematics at Indiana University, USA. Advisor: Kevin Zumbrun

M. S. in Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics - Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada - IMPA - Brazil. Advisor: Andre Nachbin

B.sc. in Applied Mathematics - Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 

Research interests:

I am an applied mathematician doing research in the field of Pattern Formation and Statistical Pattern Recognition.  

My last research work was done at MathAM-OIL, a subdivision of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR-Tohoku University) focused on research and development in material sciences. Due to the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the projects I am involved in, most teams I work with are made up of researchers with different backgrounds who self-organize around problems to solve them.  These projects require techniques that range from Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and dynamical systems to statistical and computational modeling (at least those are the lenses I see things through). 

My research interests are in a few overlapping fields: 

Recent works encompass the use of applied mathematics methods in computational chemistry/material informatics, the discovery of a new Recurrent Neural Network based on a Reaction-Diffusion Equations, and applications of Reinforcement Learning + Deep Learning in the field of Molecular Dynamics (in preparation).

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Preprints and work in progress:

[UPDATE:  the results in this paper have been upgraded. Accuracy now is in the range 99% for the digits 0 and 1 of the MNIST database. I have also extended the result to all pairs of digits, besides giving a new implementation of the code in Tensorflow/Keras.

Overall, the paper is now much shorter, and the efficiency attained by the new numerical parameterization is impressive. The code runs extremely fast: where I once needed days of computation on a supercomputer with 22 cores now a 4 core laptop suffices, with results available in a matter of minutes.]


[Code for symbolic computations available on Git-hub.]

[One of the plots in this work was featured in the poster of the conference "Shock waves and beyond", held in 2015 at the Institut Henri Poincaré, in Paris (see the poster on the right).  Further information here.]

[Needless to say that, back when I wrote the code,  SAGE and sympy were equally strong. I'm not sure about that nowadays, for I have switched to sympy. In summary: if you want to use the code for something I would recommend you to first convert it to sympy, which is not too hard.]

[Even though the statement of Proposition 3.7 in the above paper is correct, there are some minor errors and misprints in the Lemmas 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 used in its proof. For a fixed proof, please check Lemma 3.8 in the subsequent paper Horizontal patterns from finite speed directional quenching.]

Teaching (at Indiana University and University of Minnesota)

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