
You can get our publications on Google Scholar, Mendeley, Academia, or by personal request.

Manuscripts in Review and Preparation

U. Poddar, T. Dong, V. Lee, K. Lam, P. Wilson, J. Gurevitch, R. D’Andrea (in Review) “Examining the drivers of forest invasibility using a community assembly framework”.

N. Dean, Z. Zheng, R. D’Andrea. (in Review) “Assessing different management actions for the conservation of the grand skink (Oligosoma grande)”.

A. Senthilnathan, R. D’Andrea (in Review) “Coexistence of competing plants under plant-soil feedback”.

A. Senthilnathan, P. Ke, X. Yan, K. Crawford, R. D’Andrea (in Preparation) “Challenges in linking plant-soil feedbacks to community structure”.


U. Poddar, J. Gurevitch, S. J. Meiners, R. D’Andrea (2024) “Similar trait-based successional assembly in native and introduced plants despite species pool differences”. Journal of Ecology. 

R. D’Andrea, G. Khattar, V. Frans, L. Bittleston, T. Koffel, C. Cuellar-Gempeler (2024) “Reciprocal inhibition and competitive hierarchy cause negative biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships”. Ecology Letters.

J. P. O’Dwyer, R. Chisholm, R. D’Andrea (2024) “Neutral Ecology and Beyond”. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition. Vol. 5, p 1-12.

L. R. Ginzburg, R. D’Andrea (2024) “Trophic Levels”. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition. Vol. 5, p 252-258.

M. Umarani, D. Wang, J. P. O’Dwyer, R. D’Andrea (2024) “A spatial signal of niche differentiation in tropical forests”. The American Naturalist.

A. Senthilnathan, R. D’Andrea (2023) “Niche theory for positive plant–soil feedbacks”. Ecology. Apr;104(4):e3993A. Senthilnathan, R. D’Andrea (2023) “Niche theory for positive plant–soil feedbacks”. Ecology. Apr;104(4):e3993.

R. D'Andrea, J. O'Dwyer (2021). “Competition for space in a structured landscape: the effect of seed limitation on coexistence under a tolerance-fecundity tradeoff ”. Journal of Ecology

R. D'Andrea, Theo Gibbs, James P. O'Dwyer (2020) Emergent neutrality in consumer-resource dynamics. PLoS Computational Biology

G. Barabás, R. D'Andrea (2020) Chesson's coexistence theory: reply. Ecology

R. D'Andrea, J. Guittar, J. O'Dwyer, H. Figueroa, J. Wright, R. Condit, A. Ostling (2020). “Counting niches: Abundance-by-trait patterns reveal niche partitioning in a Neotropical forest”. Ecology

R. D’Andrea, M. Riolo, A. Ostling (2019). “Generalizing clusters of similar species as a signature of coexistence under competition” PLoS Computational Biology, biorXiv

G. Barabás, R. D’Andrea, S. Stump (2018). “Chesson’s coexistence theory”. Ecological Monographs, GitHub.

R. Rael, R. D’Andrea, G. Barabás, A. Ostling (2018). “Emergent niche structuring leads to increased differences from neutrality in species abundance distributions”.  Ecology 

R. D’Andrea, A. Ostling, J. O’Dwyer (2018). “Translucent windows: how uncertainty in competitive interactions impacts detection of community pattern”.  Ecology Letters, arXiv.

R. D’Andrea, A. Ostling (2017). “Biodiversity maintenance may be lower under partial niche differentiation than under neutrality” Ecology 98 (12): 3211-3218. doi: 10.1002/ecy.2020 (F1000Prime Recommended)

R. D’Andrea, J. O’Dwyer (2017). “Can editors save peer review from peer reviewers?” PLoS ONE 10: 1-10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186111

R. D’Andrea, J. O’Dwyer (2017). “The impact of species-neutral stage structure on macroecological patterns” Theoretical Ecology 10: 433-442. doi: 10.1007/s12080-017-0340-5

G. Barabás, R. D’Andrea, (2016). “The effect of intraspecific variation on community pattern and robustness” Ecology Letters 19.8: 977-986.

R. D’Andrea, A. Ostling (2016). “Challenges in Linking Trait Patterns to Niche Processes” Oikos 125: 1369-1385. doi: 10.1111/oik.02979

R. D’Andrea, A. Ostling (2015). “Can clustering in genotype space reveal ‘niches’?” American Naturalist 187: 130-135

R. D’Andrea*, G. Barabás*, A. Ostling (2013). "Revising the Tolerance-Fecundity Trade-Off; or, On the Consequences of Discontinuous Resource Use for Limiting Similarity, Species Diversity, and Trait Dispersion." The American Naturalist 181.4: E91-E101. *Authors contributed equally to this work. 

G. Barabás, R. D’Andrea, R. Rael, G. Meszéna, A. Ostling (2013). Emergent Neutrality or Hidden Niches?” Oikos 122: 1565-1572.

G. Barabás*, R. D’Andrea*, A. Ostling (2012). "Species packing in nonsmooth competition models." Theoretical Ecology 6.1: 1-19. *Authors contributed equally to this work.