
We are looking for students and postdocs  who want to develop ecological theory and wish to advance our knowledge of how ecological interactions affect biodiversity using mathematical models, computer simulations, and data analysis.

You should have good quantitative skills and a desire to understand models and theory, even from my more empirically-focused students and postdocs. I cannot fund field work, but am happy to collaborate with dataset owners. A physics, math, or computer science major combined with some classes or other exposure to biology can be a good background for students who want to focus on theoretical ecology. A biology major with a good amount of classes or other exposure in math and modeling can also be a good background.

I advise graduate students in the E&E PhD and Master's programs. I am open to advising students through other graduate programs, if the program will allow it.

If you are interested in joining the lab, please email me. Please include 1) a CV, 2) info about what math, programming, or other quantitative classes or experiences you have under your belt and preferably an unofficial transcript, and 3) some specific information on why you are interested in the lab that reflects that you have put in some time actually reading about the research interests and approaches of the lab (read at least the web pages, but preferably also a paper or two), and how you see your own interests fitting in with them.

You should also check out our department website and the list of classes regularly offered so you get a sense of what to expect from your time here beyond the lab. Also, this website created by E&E grad students at UC Davis has information and a useful FAQ page for your questions related to applying to grad school.

I also enjoy working with undergraduates and high school students if they have some mathematical skills, or some skills in programming to analyze data or simulate models. If you are contacting me about undergraduate or AP high school research, please also try to include enough relevant info about your background and interests for me to tell if you are a good candidate.