Spotters Log for Ouston

These spotter's logs were all gathered by the author, Philip Pain. They include visits to RAF Ouston itself, interspersed with aircraft spotted flying over the author's home in Fenham, Newcastle 4, just some 8 miles to the East of Ouston. The logs are arranged in date order, earliest first.

From 1965 to 1972 the author was at college, and then working in London, so the logs only reflect holiday times back in Fenham. Then from 1972 the author returned to live in Killingworth, North Tyneside, further away from any RAF Ouston activity.

Many other aircraft were 'spotted' throughout all of these periods, mainly going to and from Newcastle/Woolsington Airport, and also RAF Acklington, and airfields further afield. Only aircraft that may have had some association with RAF Ouston are included in these logs.

An exception has been to include all sightings of the HP Hastings T.5. In the early years this aircraft would have used RAF Ouston's radar and jamming facilities to train Bomber Command aircrew. However Ouston ceased to have such facilities after circa 1966, but the Hastings T.5 (now of Strike Command) continued to appear overhead. So as a tribute to this venerable and charismatic aircraft, of which only some 8 were ever in service, all sightings have been included in these logs.